Trip Leader Cooperative “The Co-Op”

The Trip Leader Cooperative (the Co-Op) is an undergraduate student organization founded in February 2022 and housed within Outdoor Adventures (Ҵý-OA).

The Co-Op’s Missionis to provide competent, caring leadership on trips in the outdoors in a variety of disciplines, as well as general outdoor education, throughout the school year to help Ҵý undergraduates get outside.

Method:The Co-Op accomplishes this by training leaders in technical and leadership skills, emphasizing inter-grade peer mentorship and collaboration, and by designing and leading trips prioritizing safety, adventure, and maximum fun.

Core Values

  • Just Do Something: Doing something is better than nothing! We can always adjust what we’re doing based on ability and interest, let’s just do something… together!
  • Safety Requires Skill & Awareness: Our primary goal on every trip is to get home safely. Every time we do so, we want to be able to attribute our return to our awareness, our group decision making, and our skills—not to luck. Every team member on every outing is expected to make conscious decisions prioritizing safety and to learn technical skills to stay as safe as possible.
  • Risk Management (and some risk taking): Sometimes things go wrong. OA trips are a great place to make mistakes and take some risks, while learning how to take appropriate risks and mitigate their consequences. We believe this will serve every trip member in navigating their life after college, as well as being interesting and fun.
  • Everyone Belongs Outside: We believe everyone is capable of recreating in the outdoors regardless of ability, experience, race, economic background, sex, gender, faith, or personality. We believe that it’s up to the Co-Op as a community to foster a community where every trip member belongs and contributes to the well-being of the rest of the group.
  • Diversity in Leadership and Teams: Regardless of current skill and experience, every person brings something to offer to the group. We believe that more diverse teams can work better together in dynamic environments, where multiple kinds of skills and attention are usually complementary.
  • Challenge by Choice & Personal Agency: We want to help everyone find a way to grow during our trips, which means sometimes being uncomfortable or unsure, or not succeeding in all of our objectives. While we support everyone in growing the size of their comfort zone, we don’t pressure people to summit, drop in, or flip their boat—we listen to what you are passionate about and adjust the plan accordingly.
  • Ethic of Caring: We practice an ethic of caring for yourself, others, and the environment. It is essential that we take care of ourselves in order to contribute to the group, and that we care for the environment to ensure its longevity. We’ll teach you the essential skills not just to gain access to outdoor activities but to do them in a way that minimizes physical risks and our impact on the environment, while maximizing fun.
  • Hecka fun! Bring your goofy self and have a blast!


“Boston College Outdoor Adventures has provided me a space on campus to do the things I love, while spending quality time with like-minded people”
Thomas Gregory, OA Trip Leader

Meet our Team!

Welcome to our current Trip Leaders in Training!

~Oh the places you’ll go~

Thank you to our past Trip Leader Cooperative members! A special thank you to the senior class of 2022, who established us as an entity post-COVID and gave us an amazing foundation to stand on.

Trip Leader Training