If you have a question that is not addressed below or need additional information, please contact the Office of the Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduates in Fulton 315.
Beta Gamma Sigma is a national business honor society and only Juniors in the top 5% or Seniors in the top 10% of their classes are invited to join.
The Dean’s List is generated by the Office of Student Services. The qualifications for listing can be found on the Student Services website.
To learn more about latin honors, please visit the University Catalog.
At the Carroll School, advising features an entire team—faculty, staff, dean, and peer advisors—dedicated to helping students address these questions and other academic, personal, and career issues. Our advising approach evolves as students progress through the program, adjusting to fit their needs and interests as freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors.
Freshmen are assigned faculty advisors through Portico. Sophomores are assigned to a staff advisor because many are still undeclared in their concentration. Juniors and seniors are assigned a faculty advisor within their concentration area and can find their advisor's name and email address through the Portal. All students are invited to meet with their staff advisor and use the many advising resources available through the Senior Associate Dean's office. Please visit the Carroll School’s comprehensive advising site for more resources.
Staff advisors are non-faculty academic advisors who work in the Office of the Senior Associate Dean and provide additional advising to students beyond their faculty advisor. Sophomore, junior, and senior students whose last names begin with A-F are assigned to Sara Nunziata, G-K are assigned to Ally Isales, L-Q are assigned to Josephine Xiong, and R-Z are assigned to Erica Graf. Visit the Carroll School's advising site for more information.
The Peer Advisors are seniors in the Carroll School who offer drop-in advising hours throughout the semester. Stop by to talk with them about course selection, picking a concentration, studying abroad, getting involved on campus, and more. Drop-in hours are held in front of Fulton suite 315, or by appointment. They’ve been there, they’ve done it, now it’s your turn to tap into their wisdom! Visit the Peer Advisor website to learn more about this year's team and see a schedule of their hours.
Carroll School students have two resources for career advising. First, the Boston College Career Center offers a wide range of career resources including on campus recruiting, career fairs, resume workshops, interview prep, and many more programs to help students with the internship and job search process. Please visit the Career Center website for a list of upcoming events.
The Carroll School also has career advisors for internship and career advising. Please visit the Carroll School Career Advising website to make appointments and view their drop-in hours. Students should also enroll in the Career Accelerator program designed to give students a one-stop shop to all the fundamentals of internship/career search.
Carroll School students can have a maximum of two concentrations.
Yes, after declaring a concentration in the Carroll School, students can also pursue a major or minor in the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences (MCAS) or Lynch School of Education and Human Development (LSEHD). Students can declare by visiting the department.
For the class of 2024, 2025, and 2026: Students who enroll in a MCAS or LSEHD minor may reduce, by one, their management core courses; note that not all courses are eligible for this reduction. All students must take Portico, Statistics, Financial Accounting, Economic Principles, and Coding for Business. Students who pursue a MCAS major may reduce their management core by two courses, with the exceptions noted above. Students in the class of 2027 and following years must complete all the Carroll School core.
Courses in the Carroll School of Management may not be taken on a pass/fail basis, but Carroll School students may take some courses outside the Carroll School on that basis, in accordance with University policies.
The University Catalog states:
"Sophomores, juniors, and seniors may elect to designate a course as pass/fail during the first seven class-days of the semester. Only electives can be taken pass/fail. Courses being used to fulfill major, minor, Core, or corequisites cannot be taken pass/fail.
"Second-semester freshmen who have been approved by their Academic Dean for an overload of a sixth course of 3 credits or more may take that course on a pass/fail basis, in which case the course may not be used to fulfill a major, minor, Core requirement, or corequisites.
"No more than one course of 3 or more credits may be taken pass/fail in any semester. No student may take more than six pass/fail courses of 3 or more credits for credit toward a degree."
The Senior Associate Dean’s office encourages students who are withdrawing from a class to meet with a member of our advising staff to discuss how to make up the course credit.
A student should consult personally with their professor about a disputed grade. If further satisfaction is required, the student should speak with the Department Chair. Please visit the Current Students page for more specific details on academic grievances.
Failures (F) do remain on a student’s transcript.
A course deficiency is incurred any time you do not successfully complete the expected number of courses in a semester because of failure, course withdrawal, or underloading.
Student Services has instructions on how to request an official transcript. Please note it can take several days.
The Student Services website has information regarding cross-registration.
There are a number of ways to earn advanced placement units at Boston College including qualifying scores on College Board Advanced Placement (AP) exams, International Baccalaureate exams, British A Level exams, French Baccalaureate exams, as well as results from the German Abitur, and the Swiss Maturité and Italian Maturità . Official results from all testing should be sent to the Office of Transfer Admission for evaluation.Â
If you took Advancement Placement or International Baccalaureate courses in high school, you may be eligible to place out of certain requirements, depending on the score you received. However, you will not receive actual credit towards the 120 credits you need to graduate. (Note: Students who have 30 or more AP credits may be eligible to graduate early through Advanced Standing. Learn more here.)
Students may be excused from class for reasons, including, but not limited to, illness, death/critical illness of a family member, personal emergency or religious observance, according to ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ policy.Â
Students will not be excused for non-emergency absences that have not been authorized in advance and/or for reasons including but not limited to medical/dental appointments, job interviews or employment obligations and personal or family events or celebrations.Â
Students should email their professors to let them know of an impending absence. All makeup arrangements are made with the student and the professor. Â
Students should submit a Request for Excused Absence Form, and appropriate documentation, so our office can contact their professors.
The final examination schedule for most courses is set before classes begin. It is available to the public and students are responsible for consulting it. A student who misses a final examination is not entitled, as a matter of right, to a make-up examination except for serious illness and/or family emergency. No student should make travel arrangements to return home which are at odds with his or her examination schedule. Students who schedule a departure without regard to their schedules risk failure in their final examinations.
Courses with multiple sections may have common departmental final examinations at a date and time determined by the Office of Student Services. Students with three final examinations scheduled for the same day are entitled to take a make-up exam at a later date during exam week. If one of the three exams is a common departmental exam, this is the exam that is taken at a later date.
The Office of Student Services in Lyons is the final authority in clearing students for graduation.
Students may receive a one-credit practicum for paid or unpaid work in the business world. You will need to complete internship paperwork with your supervisor and submit it to the Senior Associate Dean’s Office. Students will need to work a minimum of 10 hours per week in order to get credit for an internship.Â
1. Carroll School students should contact the Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS) for information on the CPT.Â
2. Students should register for CSOM internship credit (see above).
Visit the University Fellowships Committee website to see a list of research and fellowship opportunities.
You may fill out a Leave of Absence Form and contact your staff advisor in the Senior Associate Dean’s Office to discuss the process. You can find more information about the LOA or readmission process in the University Catalog.
You may fill out a Readmission Form and contact your staff advisor in the Senior Associate Dean’s Office to discuss the process. Applications for readmission should be made at least four weeks before the start of the semester in which the student seeks to resume study. You can find more information about the LOA or readmission process in the University Catalog.
You must fill out a Withdrawal Form and meet with your staff advisor in the Senior Associate Dean’s Office. You can find more information about the withdrawal process in the University Catalog.
Course registration happens in November for the spring semester and in April for the fall semester. During registration time, students can visit the advising site for registration tools, tips, and frequently asked questions.
The standard semester course load for undergraduates is five 3-credit courses and a maximum of 20 credits, including labs and other 1- or 2- credit courses. Students are eligible to overload if they have earned at least a 3.0 overall cumulative GPA or a 3.0 GPA in the semester immediately prior to the one for which the overload is sought, in which case they may register online for a sixth course of three credits or more and a maximum of 24 credits, including labs and other 1- and 2-credit courses, during the first seven class days of the semester.
Students are not permitted to take a sixth course of three credits or more during their first semester at Boston College. Second-semester freshmen who wish to overload with a sixth course of three credits or more must obtain permission from their Senior Associate Dean.
Drop/add is the term applied to the first week of classes in each semester when students are allowed to adjust their academic schedules. For exact dates, visit the University’s academic calendar.
You will need to go to the department offering the course to seek an override or to get onto their waitlist. Visit the Carroll School advising site to see how our departments handle overrides and waitlists.
You can contact the undergraduate dean's office staff at carrollug@bc.edu to get assistance with the transfer forms.
Boston College undergraduate students can apply for internal transfer to the Carroll School of Management. Â
Students have one opportunity to apply for internal transfer into the Carroll School of Management by May 1st in their freshmen year. Students would be accepted to begin in the fall of their sophomore year.
The Carroll School accepts a very small number of internal transfer students via a lottery process. No more than 10 students will be accepted in any class year. Students must meet all of the eligibility requirements below.
To be eligible, students must:
have a minimum 3.4 grade point average
have completed Principles of Economics
have a record free of any academic deficiencies
An application form, academic plan for time remaining at Boston College, and unofficial transcript must be submitted via the linked Google form by the May 1 deadline.
If you have questions, please contact Ally Isales.
The study abroad application process begins in the fall of your sophomore year. Students who are interested in studying abroad should visit the Office of Global Education (OGE). All students who apply for study abroad must meet with their staff advisor.Â
The only three Carroll School core classes that may possibly be approved are Organizational Behavior, Principles of Marketing, and Operations Management. Students can also take an elective in their concentration area. You can only obtain concentration elective approval from the department after completing the core classes (e.g. Fundamentals of Finance or Marketing Principles.) Any classes taken abroad must be approved by the department at ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ prior to the student leaving for abroad through Study Abroad Course Evaluation Form.
See the University Catalog for information on summer classes.
Academic tutoring is available through the Connors Family Learning Center in O’Neill Library.Â
The Connors Family Learning Center staff are able to assist students with ADHD and learning disabilities, helping to ensure their academic success at Boston College.
Located in Gasson 001, University Counseling Services offers students personal counseling and psychotherapy, as well as programs and activities that reinforce Boston College’s dedication to education of the whole person.
The Disability Services Office serves students with medical, physical, or psychological disabilities. There is an application form that students fill out along with documentation to seek approval for accommodations.Â