Monan Professor in Education
Executive Director, TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center
188 Beacon
Telephone: 617-552-4200
Email: matthias.vondavier@bc.edu
Psychometrics I: Classical Test Theory and Rasch Models
Readings and Research in Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation
Readings and Research in Measurement, Evaluation, Statistics, and Assessment
Dr. von Davierâs research focuses on developing psychometric models for analyzing data from complex item and respondent samples and on integrating diagnostic procedures into these methods. His areas of expertise includes topics such as item response theory, latent class analysis, classification and mixture distribution models, diagnostic models, computational statistics, person-fit, item-fit, and model checking, as well as hierarchical extension of models for categorical data analysis, and the analytical methodologies used in large scale educational surveys.
Dr. von Davierâs applied research uses these methodologies to analyze data from educational testing, large-scale survey assessments of student skills and adult literacy, to computer-based assessment of skills, and to the analysis of questionnaire data.