Thursday, April 25, 2019
7:00 p.m. | Opening Session
Opening: Conference Co-Organizer Prof. John J. Michalczyk
Welcome: On behalf of the University : Vice Provost for Faculties Billy Soo
Chair: Susan A. Michalczyk (Boston College)
Michael Bryant: “Intimations of Genocide inMein Kampf”
Karla Schoenbeck: ”Focus Landsberg: A Bavarian Town and Its History Tied to Hitler”
Wolfgang Hauck: Exhibit—From Vilnius to Landsberg
Friday, April 26, 2019
8:30 a.m.
| Welcome & Opening Remarks
Consul General (tent)
9:00 a.m.
| Keynote Address
Magnus Brechtken:"Mein Kampf-: The Critical Edition in HistoricalPerspective:"
Othmar Plöckinger: "Mein Kampf: Part of the Right-winged German Post-war Literature"
Chair: Michael Bryant
David Crowe:”Mein Kampfand the Evolution of the Nazi Concept of Jewish Bolshevism”
Melanie Murphy: “Marxism: Enemy of the People”
Richard A. Koenigsberg: “Hitler as the Robert Koch of Germany”
12:00 p.m. | Lunch
1:15 p.m. | SESSION II
Chair: Donald Fishman (Boston College)
Martin Menke: “Traces of Catholicism inMein Kampf”
James Bernauer, SJ: “Jesuits, Jews and Holocaust Remembrance”
Nathan Stoltzfus: “Political Violence inMein Kampf: ᾱٱ’s Tactics for Gaining and Exercising Power”
3:30 p.m. | SESSION III
Chair: Sabine von Mering (Brandeis University)
Ralf Gawlick: “Art and Its Perversion”
Paul Bookbinder: “The Nature of ‘The People/Volk’ and Qualities of a Leader to Help Create the Holocaust.”
Tetyana Kloubert: “Holocaust Education and (Early) Signs of the Erosion of Democracy”
5:00 p.m.
Boston College Hillel
German Exhibit: “The Holocaust from Vilnius to Landsberg”
Book Exhibit: Sponsored by the Library of Social Science
SPONSORS: Bryant University, Center for German and European Studies (Brandeis University),Institute for the Liberal Arts, Center for Human Rights and International Justice, Ҵý Law School /Holocaust Project, Jewish Studies Program, Film Studies Program, Woods College of Advancing Studies, Jacques Salmanowitz Program, German Studies Department, Office of International Programs, Music Department, Winston Center, Scituate Rotary Club, Faith, Peace and Justice Program, Ҵý Hillel, Art, Art History and Film Department, Library of Social Science, Woods College of Advancing Studies, Winston Center for Leadership and Ethics, International Studies