245 Beacon Street, Room 515
Telephone: 617-552-3509
Email: amin.mohebbi@bc.edu
Hydraulics, Statistical Hydrology, Precipitation
Dr. Amin Mohebbi is an Associate Professor of Practice in the Engineering Department at Boston College with sixteen years of research and teaching experience in hydrology and hydraulics. He holds a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering with a specialization in water resources from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Immediately after graduation, he pursued post-doctoral research in environmental engineering at the University of Nebraska. Dr. Mohebbi's research is primarily focused on atmospheric and surface water hydrology. His recent work involves modeling extreme weather events in response to future climate change with applications in hydraulic design. Dr. Mohebbi is the author of articles in prestigious journals such as the Journal of Hydraulic Research, Science of the Total Environment, and Nature Microbiology and has presented to numerous national and international conferences. Dr. Mohebbi is a registered professional civil engineer of Water Resources and Environmental and is an active member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and American Geophysical Union (AGU).
Mohebbi, A., & Akbariyeh, S. (2022). Non-parametric analysis of nitrogen trends in the form of nitrate and nitrite in rivers and streams of the contiguous United States for 1990--2019. International Journal of River Basin Management, 1–13.
Guo, J., Mohebbi, A., & Zhang, T. C. (2022). Application of general unit hydrograph model for marathon finish time distributions. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 607, 128230.
Mohebbi, A., Adams, K. R., Akbariyeh, S., Maruf, M., & Hosseini Baghanam, A. (2022). Application of weather research and forecasting (WRF) model in evaluating depth--duration--frequency estimates under a future climate scenario. Hydrology Research, 53(9), 1186–1202.
Aguilar, C., Russo, B. J., Mohebbi, A., & Akbariyeh, S. (2022). Analysis of factors affecting the frequency of crashes on interstate freeways by vehicle type considering multiple weather variables. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 14(6), 973–1001.
Mohebbi, A., Akbariyeh, S., Maruf, M., Wu, Z., Acuna, J. C., Jr, & Rose Adams, K. (2021). Development of Rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves Based on Dynamically Downscaled Climate Data: Arizona Case Study. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 26(5), 05021005.
Yu, F., Mohebbi, A., Cai, S., Akbariyeh, S., Russo, B. J., & Smaglik, E. J. (2020). The Influence of Seasonal Meteorology on Vehicle Exhaust PM2. 5 in the State of California: A Hybrid Approach Based on Artificial Neural Network and Spatial Analysis. Environments, 7(11), 102.
Patel, N., Mohebbi, A., Jan, C.-D., & Guo, J. (2020). Maximum Shear-Stress Method for Stable Channel Design. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 146(12), 04020082.
Mohebbi, A., Yu, F., Cai, S., Akbariyeh, S., & Smaglik, E. J. (2020). Spatial study of particulate matter distribution, based on climatic indicators during major dust storms in the State of Arizona. Frontiers of Earth Science, 1–18.
Akbariyeh, S., Pena, C. A. G., Wang, T., Mohebbi, A., Bartelt-Hunt, S., Zhang, J., & Li, Y. (2019). Prediction of nitrate accumulation and leaching beneath groundwater irrigated corn fields in the Upper Platte basin under a future climate scenario. Science of the Total Environment, 685, 514–526.
Wu, L., Ning, D., Zhang, B., Li, Y., Zhang, P., Shan, X., … Others. (2019). Global diversity and biogeography of bacterial communities in wastewater treatment plants. Nature Microbiology, 4(7), 1183–1195.
Mohebbi, A., Green, G. T., Akbariyeh, S., Yu, F., Russo, B. J., & Smaglik, E. J. (2019). Development of dust storm modeling for use in freeway safety and operations management: an Arizona case study. Transportation Research Record, 2673(5), 175–187.
Guo, J., Mohebbi, A., Zhai, Y., & Clark, S. P. (2015). Turbulent velocity distribution with dip phenomenon in conic open channels. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 53(1), 73–82.
Zhai, Y., Mohebbi, A., Kilgore, R., Xie, Z., Shen, J., & Others. (2014). Fish Passage in Large Culverts with Low Flows. Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center.