Professor Emeritus
Founding Director, National Resource Center for Participant-Directed Services (NRCPDS)
Telephone: 617-552-4039
Email: kevin.mahoney@bc.edu
Aging; disability; long-term care policy; participant-directed home and community-based services; inclusive communities
Boston College Chronicle: Center Plays Key Role in Social Work Education
Professor Emeritus Kevin Mahoney, PhD, who joined the Boston College School of Social Work (ҴýSSW) faculty in 1999, is known for his research on participant direction of home and community-based services and supports for people with disabilities, and financing of long-term care. A major theme has been translational research linking research and practice. During Dr. Mahoney’s 30-year career in gerontology and long-term care, he has held policy-making and administrative positions in the state governments of Connecticut and California, as well as appointments at the University of California-San Francisco and the University of Maryland.
Dr. Mahoney serves as Director of the National Resource Center for Participant-Directed Services (NRCPDS), which has been housed at Boston College since its inception in 2009. From 1996 to 2008, he was the National Program Director for the Cash & Counseling Demonstration and Evaluation, a policy-driven evaluation of one of the most unfettered forms of consumer direction of personal assistance services.
In 2004, Dr. Mahoney was presented the Maxwell A. Pollack Award from the Gerontological Society of America for research with great impact on policy and programs. He was awarded the James E. Flynn Prize for Social Work Research in 2007, and in 2012, selected as a Fellow by the board of the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare (AASWSW) for his distinguished accomplishments and dedication to social work. An expert on state government and long-term care innovation, Mahoney has authored and co-authored dozens of scholarly articles and books.
Dr. Mahoney devotes a significant amount of time working to enhance the inclusiveness of Boston College. From 2007 to 2009 he represented the ҴýSSW on the Provost’s Task Force on "the University and the Catholic Intellectual Tradition." He currently serves as faculty mentor to Spectrum, the support group for LGBT students and allies, and he is an active member of the University Diversity Committee and the ҴýSSW Diversity Committee.
National Resource Center for Participant-Directed Services
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Award, Duration September 1, 2008 – August 31, 2012, Kevin J. Mahoney, Boston College, GSSW, $4,751,055
"Technical Support for Consumer Directed Programs," Sponsored by Administration on Aging, Federal, $998,888.00. (September 30, 2008 – June 30, 2012).
Atlantic Philanthropies Award, Duration January 1, 2009 – December 31, 2011, Kevin J. Mahoney, Boston College, GSSW, $3,500,000
The Administration on Aging, "Accelerating Adoption of Participant Direction Philosophy and Models in the Aging Network," $1,154,676. (August 1, 2011 – June 31, 2014).
"A Demonstration & Evaluation of Self-Direction in Behavioral Health." Sponsored by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, $999,995. August 1, 2014 – July 31, 2017.
Cash & Counseling
“Cash & Counseling Demonstration/Evaluation: Next Steps” ASPE, #HHS-100-02-0018, 2002 – 2003, Modification #3, 2004, Kevin J. Mahoney, Ph.D.- National Project Director, Boston College GSSW, $2,020,775.
“Technical Assistance and Direction Grant—Cash & Counseling”, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Grant # 048513, September 1, 2003 – September 30, 2004, Kevin J. Mahoney, Ph.D. - National Project Director, Boston College GSSW, $961,271, (first TAD awarded under new $7 million authorization).
“Technical Assistance and Direction Grant – Cash & Counseling”, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Grant # 049696, October 1, 2004, Kevin J. Mahoney, Ph.D. – National Project Director, Boston College GSSW, $906,646.
“Technical Assistance and Direction Grant—Cash & Counseling”, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Awarded October 1, 2005, Kevin J. Mahoney, Ph.D.- National Program Director, Boston College, GSSW, $925,620.
“Does Mental Illness affect Consumer-Directed Care?: Learning from the Cash & Counseling Demonstration and Evaluation”, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, (Ce Shen as Principal Investigator), Submitted December 2005, $985,634.
“Technical Assistance and Direction Grant—Cash & Counseling”, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Awarded October 1, 2006, Kevin J. Mahoney, Ph.D.- National Program Director, Boston College, GSSW, $1,236,476.