Email: andrea.ponzone@bc.edu
Canon Law; Ecclesiology; Ecumenism; Synodality; Theology and Canon Law.
Andrea Ponzone is an Adjunct Professor of Canon Law. He is also the Moderator and a Judge of the Metropolitan Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Boston. Prior to moving to the U.S.A., Andrea practiced civil and canon law in Italy, where he was born and raised. Andrea earned a degree in Law from the University of Piemonte Orientale (Alessandria, Italy) and a licentiate and doctorate in Canon Law from the Pontifical Lateran University (Rome, Vatican City State). In addition, he has also earned a Diploma of Postulator from the Congregation of the Causes of Saints. Andrea is an active member of the Canon Law Society of America, and the Consociatio Internationalis Studio Iuris Canonici Promovendo.
Andrea Ponzone, L’approccio epistemologico alla teologia del diritto canonico nel pensiero di T. Jiménez Urresti e L. Örsy (Vatican City State: Lateran University Press, 2012).
Andrea Ponzone, “Norma Missionis: Mission as the Foundation and Core of Canon Law,” Studia Canonica 56 (2022), 147–165.
Andrea Ponzone, “Norma Missionis in Pope Francis’ Reform of the Marriage Nullity Process,” Canon Law Society of America Proceedings 83 (2021), 273–295.
Andrea Ponzone, “Teologia e Diritto canonico nel pensiero di Ladislas Örsy,” Apollinaris 85 (2012), 317–359.
Andrea Ponzone, “Theology and Canon Law: The Epistemological Approach of T. Jiménez Urresti,” The Jurist: Studies in Church Law and Ministry 72 (2012), 577–604.
Reviewer (Apollinaris, Lateran University Press, Rome, Vatican City State)