Faculty & Research News


A research study funded by the WCLE and conducted by a team of scholars with ties to Ҵý will soon be published in the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. Entitled “A way forward: Cascading ethical and change leadership, values enactment, and group-level effects on commitment in corruption recovery,” it was co-authored by Ҵý alum Rick Cotton, Ҵý Professor and Robert A. and Evelyn J. Ferris Chair Jean Bartunek, and retired Ҵý Professor Bill Stevenson. The co-authors conducted a survey of over 2,000 employees at an insurance company and found that new leadership made a difference in the recovery of the firm following corruption. They report that organization members’ perceptions of their leaders’ ethical posture was significantly related to perceptions of progress on enacting important values and on their commitment to the organization.


Last spring the Winston Center invited faculty and their departments to apply for grants to fund programs that intersect with the Center’s focus on leadership and ethics. Fr. James Burns from the Woods College and his team received a grant for their Colloquium on Ignatian-based Ethical Leadership, where Chris Lowney was the featured speaker. Mary Cronin (CSOM), Tiziana Dearing (SSW), and Kenneth Himes (STM) received a grant to fund their symposium Advancing Social Justice through Ethical Business Leadership for Systemic Social Change this spring. Stephanie Berzin (SSW) also received funding for her Nonprofit Innovation Leadership Series,which was implemented with the United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley.