Lyons Hall Room 201C
Telephone: 617-552-1594
Email: daniel.bowles@bc.edu
GERM1601: Perspectives on Art: Expression and Explosion
GERM1701: Constructing Deviance: Madmen, Hysterics, & Criminals
GERM2001: German Composition and Conversation I
GERM2002: German Composition and Conversation II
GERM2003: Fantastic Tales of Horror and Ghosts
GERM2163: Triumphant Calamity: The Modern Condition
GERM2222: Madmen, Hysterics, & Criminals: Inventing Deviance
GERM2242: Germany Divided and Reunited
GERM3006: Kindheit und Krise
Postwar and contemporary literature and culture, satire and genre studies, intertextuality, gender studies, literary theory, the fantastic, madness, modernism, music and literature.
By appointment
My work—both research projects and literary translations—generally concerns German novels written since roughly 1945. From my first book on satire as a set of writing practices in postwar novels and literary theory, I have turned my focus to elements of the fantastic in contemporary German literature. To date my research has been supported by the Fulbright Foundation, the Whiting Foundation, the German Academic Exchange Service, and the Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study. In my parallel avocation as a literary translator, I have been awarded the Helen and Kurt Wolff Translator's Prize in 2016 for my rendering of Christian Kracht's IMPERIUM. At Boston College I teach broadly across the field of German Studies (literature, history, culture, language) and in the Core and Perspectives on Art programs.
Recent Articles and Book Chapters (selected)
Recent Translations (selected)