Maloney Hall 331
Telephone: 617-552-3677
Email: donald.cox@bc.edu
ECON3312 Evolutionary Economics
ECON2228 Econometric Methods
"The Evolution of Altruistic Preferences: Mothers versus Fathers", with Ingela Alger, 2013. Review of Economics of the Household, 11:3, 421-446
"Extended Family and Kinship Networks: Economic Insights and Evolutionary Directions", with Marcel Fafchamps, 2008. Handbook of Development Economics: Volume 4. T.P. Schultz and J. Strauss, eds., Elsevier
"Biological Basics and Economics of the Family," 2007. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 21:2, 91-108
"On the Demand for Grandchildren: Tied Transfers and the Demonstration Effect", with Oded Stark), 2005. Journal of Public Economics, 89:9-10, 1665-1697. Reprinted in Handbook on the Economics of Happiness, 2007. L. Bruni and P. L. Porta, eds., Edward Elgar Publishing
"How Responsive are Private Transfers to Income? Evidence from a Laissez-Faire Econ- omy", with Bruce Hansen and Emmanuel Jimenez, 2004. Journal of Public Economics, 88:9-10, 2193-2219
Working Paper 605. Donald Cox, "" (12/2003: 277 Kb, PDF; published in Death and Dollars: The Role of Gifts and Bequests in America, Brookings Institution Press)
Working Paper 524. Donald Cox, "" (02/2002: 96 Kb, PDF)
Working Paper 514. Donald Cox, "" (10/2001: 190 Kb, PDF)
Working Paper 482. Donald Cox, Serena Ng, and Andreas Waldkirch, "" (10/2000: 229 Kb, PDF)
Working Paper 341. Donald Cox, Bruce E. Hansen, and Emmanuel Jimenez (World Bank), "" (rev. 12/1999: 204 Kb, PDF)
Working Paper 330. Donald Cox, James Fetzer and Emmanuel Jiminez, "" (5/96: 101 Kb, PDF)
Working Paper 329. Donald Cox and Oded Stark (Harvard University), "" (6/94: 139 Kb, PDF)
Working Paper 328. Donald Cox, Emmanuel Jimenez, Wlodek Okrasa, "" (5/96: 117 Kb, PDF)
Working Paper 327. Donald Cox, Zekeriya Eser, Emmanuel Jimenez, "" (4/96: 97 Kb, PDF)
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