Email: maneyp@bc.edu
U.S. history, 1865-present; the Presidency; Congress
Patrick Maney teaches modern American history with an emphasis on politics and the presidency. He has written biographies of Franklin D. Roosevelt and New Deal Senator Robert La Follette, Jr., one of the most prominent U.S. senators of the 1930s and 1940s until his defeat by Joseph McCarthy. His latest book is a study of the presidency of Bill Clinton.
A native of Wisconsin, he has served as Dean of Ҵý's Morrissey College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and as chair tof the history departments at the University of South Carolina in Columbia and Tulane University in New Orleans. He has appeared on public television, C-SPAN, and National Public Radio.
Boston Globe(and elsewhere), February 18, 2009
"FDR: The Illusive Standard,"Prologue(April 1994)
"Hale Boggs: The Southerner as National Democrat," inMasters of the House, edited by Raymond Smock, Susan Hammond, and Roger Davidson (1998)
“They Sang for Roosevelt: Songs of the People in the Age of FDR,”Journal of American and Comparative Cultures, 23 (Spring 2000)
“Joseph’s McCarthy’s First Victim,”Virginia Quarterly Review77 (Summer 2001)
“The Forgotten New Deal Congress, 1933-1945,” inThe American Congress: The Building of Democracy, ed. Julian E. Zelizer (2004)