Lyons Hall 302A
Telephone: 617-552-8947
Email: anne.kearney@bc.edu
translation of contemporary English poetry (Irish /American) into French
Prize: Prix Amic (Prix d'encouragement et de soutien à la création littéraire) de l'Académie française, 1990, forʴè, Seamus Heaney, Gallimard, Paris, 1988.
Introduction to Le Féminin Solaire dans la mythologie, Sylvie Verchère Merle, Paris: Editions du Cygne, 2015.
"The Power of Art: Refiguring Pain”,with Simone Kearney, inMaking Sense Beauty, Creativity, and Healing,ed. by BandyLee, Bandy, Nancy Olson and Thomas P. Duffy. New York: Peter Lang, 2015.
.Dublin: A. & A. Farmar‚1999. Illustrated withfive original etchings by the author.
Six femmes celtes‚ L’Herne‚ Paris‚ 1996.
ʴè, Theo Dorgan, in Revue Conférence no 15, Automne 2002.
Les Irlandaises, Anthology, A selection of poems by Irish Poets, Editions Ecrits des Forges/Autres Temps/Grand Océan, Perce-Neige, Ottawa, 1999.
Ce Lieu que j’appellerai Chez Moi, Paula Meehan, a selection of poems fromThe Man who was Marked by Winter&Pillow Talk, éd. Maison de Poésie du Nord/Pas de Calais, 1999.
Introduction di Richard Kearney. Collection du Monde Entier, Gallimard, Paris, 1988.
Quatorze Elégies pour l'Irlande suivies de Guerre civile, Seamus Deane, Editions Imago Poiesis, Paris, 1982.
Member of the Dublin, Ireland 1993-1999.
Member of theSomerville, MA, since 1999.
Group Exhibitions
at the : exhibited every year, May 2000 to May 2016.
Somerville Museum (Somerville, MA), exhibited in 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.
Boston College, Baptst Library Art Gallery, Annual Exhibitions of Works by Faculty & Staff, Fall2004; 2007; 2008; 2009; 2013; 2014, 2016, 2017.
Holy Cross College, Cantor Art Gallery, September 2013- January 2014.
April-July 2012.
(Massachusetts): “From the Press”, Mixit group show, January-February 2007; Brush Gallery Members exhibit Nov. 21st- Jan. 5th, 2008; Nov.- Jan. 2009.
Regis College (Massachusetts), Carney Gallery, Fine Arts Center, “Drama of scale”, Prints from Mixit Print Studio, March 14-April 20, 2006
Soprafina Gallery, Boston, December Salon Show, 2004.
Solo exhibitons (Prints and Paintings)
Warren's Boathouse Gallery, Castletownsend, Ireland, summer 2002.
Galerie de l'Arche, Saint-Saturnin (Le Mans), France, summer 2000.
Art Work in Publications
(An Exhibition of Fine Art Printmaking), 2013.
7.2; Spring 2010 (Publication of Emerson College, Boston. Pieces: “Edain” and “Pêche de nuit.”
Collection: Art Work at Boston College, Institute for Liberal Arts, 2013-2016.
"From Grief to Joy:" The stories of Piaf, Barbara, Brassens and Brel, Café Riche ("Café philosophique"), Pretoria, South Africa, May 12 2017.
"Translating Seamus Heaney." Conference organized by Jessica Stephens, Université de Paris 3, Sorbonne, Sept. 13, 2015.
"Stanislas Breton: A friend." Symposium on the Thought of Stanislas Breton, organized jointly by Boston College and the Institut Catholique de Paris, Jan. 22, 2015.
English to French:
two poems by Fanny Howe, with an introduction, in the journalTriages(Montpellier: Editions Tarabustes),Spring 2017.
four poems by James Tate, with introduction, in the journal,Triages(Montpellier: Editions Tarabustes), Spring 2016.
essay by Richard Kearney, "Épiphanies: Hopkins, Scotus, Joyce", in, Philippe Capelle-Dumont, Jean Greisch, Richard Kearney, Jean-Luc Marion, Andreas Speer, David Tracy, Paris: PUF, 2015, pp. 97-130.
poems by Mark Strand, "Elegy for my father"("Élégie pour mon père"), and two other poems, with an introduction, in the journalTriages(Montpellier: Editions Tarabustes), Spring 2015.
essay by Richard Kearney, "Vers une herméneutique de la traduction," inCoordonné par Gaëlle Fiasse. Paris: PUF, 2008.
French to English:
essay by Michel Henry ined. R. Kearney and Brian Traenor. New York: Fordham University Press, 2015 (in collaboration with Simone Kearney).
essay by Richard Kearney, "Écrire la Chair: L'expression diacritique chez Merleau-Ponty," inChiasmi International, 15, Fall 2013, pp. 183-196.
essay by Richard Kearney, "Heidegger, le possible et Dieu," in, ed. Richard Kearney et Joseph Stephen O'Leary, Paris: PUF, 20009, pp. 145-188.