Faculty Directory

Marcie Pitt-Catsouphes

Professor Emerita

Selected Appointments & Awards

Academic Honors

Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Study Award, 1972
Phi Beta Kappa, 1971

Professional Honors

Work and Family Researchers Association. Inaugural Lifetime Achievement Award, 2018

Co-authored paper, “Do options for job flexibility diminish in times of economic uncertainty?” Nominated for the Rosabeth Moss Kanter Best Work-Family Paper 2015

Recognized as among the Top Women Social Work Researchers by Michael J. Holosko, John R. Barner, and Junior Lloyd Allen (2015, August online publication). Citation Impact of Women in Social Work: Exploring Gender and Research Culture. Research on Social Work Practice, 1-7. doi: 10.1177/1049731515598374

Work/Life Legacy Award, 2007

Professional Activities

2016– Present, Co-President, Work and Family Researchers Network

2015– Present, Work-Family Co-Chair,SSWR Program Committee

2013– Present, Editorial Board Member, Work, Aging, and Retirement

2012– Present, Nonprofit Board Member, Secretary, OpenWork

2010 – Present, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Teaching in Social Work

2012 – 2014, Advisory Committee Member, Age-friendly Workplace in New York City Project

2012 – 2014, Editorial Board Member, Mather Life Ways

2006 – 2014, Board of Directors, Center for Families at Purdue University