Simboli Hall 315
Telephone: 617-552-6680
Email: heather.dubois@bc.edu
Spirituality and critical theory; Identity transformation; Trauma studies; Conflict theory; Religious peacebuilding; Theologies of suffering
Heather M. DuBois is an interdisciplinary scholar who specializes in critical, constructive responses to conflict, trauma, and violence. She holds an undergraduate degree in English and Political Science, masters degrees in Conflict Resolution and Theology, and a doctorate in Theology and Peace Studies. Before joining the CSTM, she served as a Postdoctoral Fellow in Religion, Ethics, and Philosophy at Florida State University and as an Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Stonehill College. Currently, Heather is writing Moving Through Impasse, a book that uses the spirituality of John of the Cross and the critical theory of Judith Butler to theorize transformation at the nexus of self and society. She has taught theology courses on suffering, evil, and social justice as well as religion courses on gender and conflict. She is active in the Catholic Theological Society of America and the American Academy of Religion. Heather worked previously in the domestic and international nonprofit and NGO sectors.
"Empowerment and Transformation: Correlating John of the Cross and Judith Herman for Trauma Healing," International Journal of Practical Theology Volume 27: Issue 1 (June 2023): 99–113.
“The Intensifying Intersection of Ethics, Religion, Theology, and Peace Studies,” Journal of Religious Ethics Volume 49: Issue 1 (March 2021): 189-212.
“The Spirituality of a Pluralist: A Theological Reading of Connolly's Why I Am Not a Secularist,” Spiritus 20 (2020): 45-57.
"Conflict Theory, 'Cause We Need It," Daily Theology (October 2020): .
“‘There is still a lot of pollution in there’: Undoing Violent Ideologies, Undoing the Self” in Suffering and the Christian Life, ed. Karen Kilby and Rachel Davies (Bloomsbury, 2019).
“Extra Mundum Nulla Salus: Edward Schillebeeckx with Judith Butler on Damaged Creation and the Mediation of Salvation.” Tijdschrift Voor Theologie (December 2019).
“An Ever-Stitched Wholeness: Multi-dimensional Relationality in Trauma Theory and Schillebeeckx’s Theology of Salvation” in At the Crossroads: Edward Schillebeeckx and the Frontiers of Public Theology, ed. Stephan van Erp, Christopher Cimorelli and Christiane Alpers (Bloomsbury Press, 2017).
“The Intersection of Christian Theology and Peacebuilding.” With Janna Hunter-Bowman in The Oxford Handbook of Religion, Conflict, and Peacebuilding, ed. Atalia Omer, R. Scott Appleby and David Little (Oxford University Press, 2015), 569-596.