Faculty Directory

David W. Jorgensen

Assistant Editor, New Testament Abstracts

Selected Courses

  • Jesus of Nazareth
  • The Apostle Paul
  • 1 Corinthians
  • Seminar in Current Biblical Scholarship

Selected Publications


Treasure Hidden in a Field: Early Christian Reception of the Gospel of Matthew. Studies of the Bible and Its Reception 6 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016).


“Valentininan Influence on Irenaeus: Early Allegorization of the New Testament,” in Valentinianism: New Studies, eds. C. Markschies and E. Thomassen. Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies 96. (Leiden: Brill, 2019), 400-413.

“Approaches to Orthodoxy and Heresy in the Study of Early Christianity,” Religion Compass 11:7-8 (2017). .

“Nor is One Ambiguity Resolved by Another Ambiguity: Irenaeus of Lyons and the Rhetoric of Interpretation,” in Beyond the Gnostic Gospels: Studies Building on the Work of Elaine Pagels, eds. E. Iricinschi, L. Jenott, N. D. Lewis, and P. Townsend. STAC 82. (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2013), 124-147.

“Ptolemy (Gnostic),” “Hippolytus of Rome,” and “Nestorius,” in The Routledge Encyclopedia of Ancient Mediterranean Religions, eds. E. Orlin, L. Fried, M. Satlow, and J. Knust (2015).

“Origen of Alexandria: On First Principles,” in A Documentary History of Unitarian Universalism, ed. D. McKanan (Boston: Skinner Books, 2016).