School Notes

Date posted: Mar 23, 2018

The Church: A Spirit-led Community of Hope

Photo of The Church: A Spirit-led Community of Hope

Fee: $30 | Three Weeks

Do you think of the church as Spirit-led? Do you think of the church as a vehicle or an obstacle of hope? We will explore two essays authored by Fr. Richard Lennan. In “The Church: Got Hope?” Lennan discusses the church’s relationship to hope. In a second essay, “The Holy Spirit and the Pilgrimage of Faith,” Lennan partners with Nancy Pineda-Madrid to summarize the teaching of Vatican II on the Holy Spirit and show how Victor Codina, S.J., and Elizabeth A. Johnson build on the Council’s teaching.


  • Week 1: Introduction to the Course
  • Week 2:“The Church: Got Hope?”
  • Week 3:“The Holy Spirit and the Pilgrimage of Faith”

Content Scholars:Rev. Richard Lennan, STM professor of systematic theology, andDr. Nancy Pineda-Madrid, STM associate professor of theology and Latino/Latina ministry