School Notes
Date posted: Jul 31, 2024
Fee: $30 | Three Weeks
Explore how the examen, praying with images, hospitality, retreats, and more can be sources of inspiration and meaning, not only for an incidental activity, but for an entire way of life.
The popular contemporary identification of “spiritual but not religious” reflects a deep and unmet need in the life of many people in the early 21st Century for an approach to faith that balances interior experience with exterior norms and morals. This course “draws from the storeroom both the old and the new” (Mt. 13:52) a range of concrete spiritual practices from the Catholic Christian tradition.
This course provides guided discussion on the Spring 2009 issue of C21 Resources, "" edited by Dr. Colleen Griffith.
“Whoever has not begun the practice of prayer-
There is nothing here to fear but only something to desire.”
- St. Teresa of Avila
Everything you need for this course is provided on the course web site.
Additional Materials Needed
Everything you need for this course is provided on the course web site. View this issue of , "Catholic Spirituality in Practice." If you prefer to have a hard copy of this issue of C21 Resources, email The Church in the 21st Century Center at church21@bc.edu.
Content Scholar: The articles were written by various scholars, under the editorship of Dr. Colleen M. Griffith, associate professor of the practice of theology and faculty director of spirituality studies, Boston College Clough School of Theology and Ministry.