Environmental Sustainability

Environmental sustainability is increasing attention to global environmental concerns, providing the incentive for business to assess their environmental impact—such as the usage of natural resources and carbon footprint. Environmental sustainability in business offers the opportunity to integrate comprehensive sustainability targets and programs into business strategies and corporate responsibility programs. Today more than ever, environmental sustainability is at the forefront of public policy debate—whether as the focus of innovative scientific research or through local and global policy initiatives such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement (COP22).
As both individual citizens and corporate citizens—regardless of size or industry—all of us can improve environmental sustainability, at least incrementally and sometimes in transformative ways. Every positive action, no matter how small, can be the first step to creating a virtuous cycle of sustainability. Whether through creating targeted employee green teams, committing to establishing more eco-friendly supply chains, or developing best practices for reducing harmful or excessive waste, companies that promote environmental sustainability as a corporate citizenship imperative can become leaders in the movement to create a sustainable planet, society, and economy for future generations.