Center Leadership Changes

center for christian-jewish learning

July 31, 2007 

With regret, the Center for Christian-Jewish Learning at Boston College, announces the resignation of Philip Cunningham, its founding Executive Director. The vision by which the Center was founded and grew was largely his, building on his years of experience in the field, his connections with other scholars and activists, and his sheer hard work. During his seven years Cunningham pictureat the Center's helm, the Center gathered together scholars to think together about furthering the work of constructing positive relationships between Christians and Jews. Under the Center's auspices, statements were issued, books were published, on-line courses and a video series were produced, courses were taught, and our website became a primary destination for the field, all with Phil's stamp on them. Scholars and religious leaders, Americans and Europeans, lectured at Boston College, bringing the world of Christian-Jewish relations to Boston. Phil remains a leader in the field, and we look forward to future opportunities to work with him.

Boston College is continuing a process of determining the shape of the Center and especially its relationship to the Theology Department. For the interim, Ruth Langer has taken the title of Academic Director, and Audrey Doetzel, NDS, has become the Center's Administrative and Programming Director.

While Phil's departure is an enormous loss to us, we are each personally committed to continuing the Center’s work, especially its sponsoring the Christian Scholars' Group, its co-publishing , and its maintaining this website. Locally, we will continue to offer courses and programs for the university and wider communities. We will remain actively involved with the Council of Centers in Jewish-Christian Relations, and other national and international bodies.

We also apologize for the delay in officially sharing this news with you. We are only now permitted to speak about it publicly.

Ruth Langer
Associate Professor of Jewish Studies

Theology Department

Academic Director

Audrey Doetzel, NDS

Administrative and Programming Director