March 7, 14, 21, and 28, 2012

±Ê°ù±ð²õ±ð²Ô³Ù±ð°ù:Ìý Rev. Msgr. James A. Mongelluzzo,a priest of the Diocese of Worcester and professor of liturgy and homiletics and director of community worship, Blessed John XXIII National Seminary

This series explores the basic elements of the steps and periods of the catechumenate process.  Using the 1986 English version of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) as the primary resource, the series addresses the rites for each step of the process, the catechetical focus for each period, the various ministries of the catechumenate, and key turning points in the historical development of the RCIA.

Sponsored by the School of Theology and Ministry


Part 1: Rev. Msgr. Mongelluzzo begins this series by discussing an overview of the rite, as well as the period of evangelization and precatechumenate.


Part 2: Rev. Msgr. Mongelluzzo expands on the purpose of the catechumenate period, catechisis for catechumens and candidates, and rites of the catechumenate.


Part 3: In this segment, Rev. Msgr. Mongelluzzo discusses Liturgy of the Word with blessings of catechumens, exorcisms of catechumens and anointing of catechumens. He later talks about the period of purification and enlightment, its criteria, and cathechesis during that time.


Part 4: In this final segment of the series, Rev. Msgr. Mongelluzzo explains the rite of the catechumens during the period of purification and enlightment, and mystagogy, including its vision, spiritual practices, and an example of mystagogy meetings.