Adolescence: Navigating Toward Adulthood

portrait of Theresa O'Keefe

Overview of the Presentation

In thefall of 2018, Theresa A. O’Keefegave a public presentation entitled“Navigating Toward a Meaningful Life: Adolescents and Faith Formation.”In it she describesadolescence as the time in life when humans first gain the capacity to think in more expansive ways and so imagine their lives beyond self-interest. But they are not likely to do this without prompting. Dr. O'Keefe argues that religious education for adolescents should provide the Christian narratives and practices that provide the ever-widening horizon of God's love and a vision of hope for the world and their lives.

Using this Resourse

This resource is a guide to using an STM Online: Encore presentation as a conversation starter with members of a faith community.Each part of the presentation may be used separately, in combinations with each other, or in a sequence over a period of time.For example, a catechetical leader might use each part of the presentation over the course of a year at meetings with catechists.A pastor may choose to use only one segment to encourage discussion on a related agenda item.“Adolescence: Navigating Toward Adulthood” has broad application to the experience of faith communities today.Consider using one or more segments with youth group leadership, high school teachers/catechists, campus ministry teams, or parents and mentors of adolescents.