
October 24, 2014
ʰԳٱ:Rev. Debbie Little

One day more than 20 years ago, Debbie Little looked at all the people sitting on the Boston Common park benches and thought, “The church is out here, not where buildings are necessarily, but where people are.  We need to show up for it!”  With this inspiration, she was moved to take the gifts of the church out to people who cannot come in to receive them—gifts which she describes as celebration, accompaniment, welcome, continuity, prayer, music, Bible study, and pastoral care. Who are these people, how do we serve them, where do we begin?  Say YES to the small voice within and the leading of Pope Francis, and join Rev.  Little as she shares experiences, graces, and struggles of church life on the street.  “Jesus was a homeless man and so am I,” says Billy, who joins her with others to share blessings they have received from being met by church on the street.

Sponsored by the School of Theology and Ministry

Rev. Dr. Debbie Little is founder and missioner of Ecclesia Ministries and Common Cathedral Boston.