Rev. Bill Gaventa

November 8, 2019

Presenter:  Rev. Bill Gaventa

Unlike the arenas of acute care and psychiatric care, spirituality is often unrecognized and unaddressed as a dimension of care, support, and quality of life in the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Why?  This lecture and discussion addresses some of the reasons, but more importantly, illustrates (1) how exploring the meaning of disability leads to the realm of spirituality, and (2) how spirituality permeates the life cycles of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, issues of care, and quality of life.

Sponsored by the School of Theology and Ministry and generously supported by the Pyne Endowment Trust in memory of Professor Margaret E. Pyne, a lifelong advocate for persons with disabilities.

, director, Summer Institute on Theology and Disability and the Collaborative on Faith and Disability linking various University Centers of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, and author of Spirituality and Disability: Recovering Wholeness (Baylor University Press: 2018).