Michael J. Gorman

April 3,2019

ʰԳٱ:Michael J. Gorman

Division seems to be the order of the day, not least in the Christian Church. This lecture examines seven images of Christian unity in the New Testament: mutual indwelling with God in love (John 17:20-23); Salt and Light (Matthew 5:13-16); A Menagerie: Profane Creatures Made Clean (Acts 10:9-16); The Broken Wall, a Holy Temple (Ephesians 2:14-22); A Cruciform Colony of Heaven (Philippians 1:27–2:4); One Body with Many Members (1 Corinthians 12); A Great Multitude from Every Nation (Revelation 7). Dr. Gorman, discusses how these images contribute to our understanding of Christian unity as a task and gift from God.

Sponsored by the School of Theology and Ministry and generously supported by the Kitz Family