Francine Cardman

July 19, 2019

Presenter:  Rosemary Carbine

In her presentation, Dr. Carbine offers critical and constructive theological reflection on the theological claims and political praxis of emerging U.S. social justice movements that exemplify a praxis of worldmaking, of imagining and incarnating the world otherwise than rising gender and sexual violence, xenophobic hate crimes, and white nationalist movements. More specifically, this lecture engages feminist and womanist theory and theology to elaborate on love as a theo-political ethic of justice based on the Revolutionary Love Project and its trifold notion of love as seeing no strangers, tending personal and socio-political wounds, and birthing a new future. Pointing out unexpected key parallels with Mary Magdalene, this talk explores her witness as one theological model for women’s ways of doing public/political theology today, that is, of generating alternative possible futures of love and justice.  

Sponsored by the School of Theology and Ministry

, associate professor of religious studies, Whittier College