Academic Misconduct
The NCAA has provided the following guidance for faculty regarding NCAA academic misconduct:
1. Know and review Ҵý’s academic misconduct policies and reporting requirements. Make sure any student-athlete potentially involved in academic misconduct is reviewed and adjudicated according to those policies.
2. When you suspect or if you learn about potential academic misconduct involving a student-athlete, communicate with the appropriate contacts per Ҵý’s academic misconduct policies. Additionally, you may want to communicate with the appropriate academic contacts in the athletics department as academic integrity issues could impact a student-athlete’s NCAA eligibility.
3. Student-athletes must maintain certain academic standards in order to be eligible for NCAA competition. As a general rule, faculty/campus personnel may provide assistance to student-athletes if that same assistance is available to all other students in their course. Examples may include the following:
*Providing Extra Credit Work
*Providing Makeup Opportunities
4. NCAA academic eligibility is tied to student-athletes’ cumulative academic record and is their responsibility, not yours. Treat student-athletes in the same manner you would treat any other student.
5. Contact Dr. Robert Murphy, the Ҵý Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) if you have any questions or concerns regarding permissible academic assistance.
Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR)
Robert Murphy, Ph.D., Associate Professor in the Economics Department serves as the Boston College Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR). He was appointed to this position by Ҵý President, Father William P. Leahy, S.J.. In this role, he serves as an advisor to the President and the Director of Athletics as a liaison to university faculty. The FAR is also responsible for ensuring academic integrity and compliance with ACC and NCAA rules. Dr. Robert Murphy may be contacted with the information provided below:
Email: murphyro@bc.edu
Telephone: (617)552-3688
Class Attendance
Student-athletes are expected to attend all classes except for classes missed due to athletic travel, competition, or illness. Student-athletes are responsible for notifying their instructors before missing class due to athletic travel or competition. In the event of medical injury or illness, the student-athlete's dean and/or SAAS academic counselor will also notify the faculty. Academic Counselors typically only inform instructors when the student-athlete is unable to do so as a result of a head injury, surgery, etc.
Travel Letters
All student-athletes must meet with their instructors at the beginning of each semester to discuss the team travel-related class absences, missed examinations, and the student-athlete's ability to successfully complete the course despite these absences. This policy covers only travel and competition, not practice, training, or team meetings. SAAS will electronically distribute student-athlete travel letters to instructors at the beginning of each semester and again before there is to be a conflict between class and competition.
Proctoring Services
Student-athletes are encouraged to work directly with faculty to make up exams or quizzes missed due to athletically-related travel. SAAS can assist with proctoring upon faculty request. Student-athletes must promptly contact their Academic Counselor and provide proof of coordination with faculty before completing a Proctor Request Form.
SAAS can not assist with proctoring for any of the following reasons:
- Conflicts or missed class due to medical illness or family emergency
- Conflicts or missed class due to personal travel
- Disability-related academic accommodations for an extended time
Faculty are encouraged to resolve non-athletically-related conflicts in a manner consistent with how they would for any Ҵý student.
Connors Family Learning Center
Boston College provides services and accommodations for students with learning disabilities and ADHD through the Connors Family Learning Center (CFLC). Depending on the specific nature of the disability, a student may be eligible for academic accommodations. Student-athletes with a diagnosed learning disability should provide current and comprehensive documentation to the SAAS Learning Specialist responsible for their team. Your Learning Specialist will facilitate registration with the CFLC and will aid the student-athlete with accessing approved accommodations.
- Sophia Bates – Football & Men’s Basketball
- Patrice Bouzan – Olympic Sports
Acceptable documentation needed for academic accommodations include the following:
- Neuropsychological evaluation (current from High School)
- Proof of standardized test accommodation(s): College Board/ACTs
- Proof of high school or previous institution accommodation(s): 504/IEP/Other
The CFLC also provides tutorial services, including writing support to all students. At times, SAAS may refer student-athletes to the CFLC for tutoring.
Course Withdrawal Policy
Student-athletes must complete a Course Withdrawal Request with Student Services to drop or withdraw from a class after the schedule adjustment period. Course withdrawals require permission from SAAS before being processed. As a result, all student-athletes should consult their Academic Counselor before submitting a request. Some team policies may require coach approval before dropping a class.
Students may not drop below full-time enrollment or 12 credits. Undergraduates that withdraw from a course after the extended drop period will receive a "W" on their transcript. A grade of W does not affect the GPA, and students may re-take a course for which a "W" has been recorded.
SAAS Cancellation & No Show Policy
Tutorial services are available to all student-athletes based upon availability. Tutorial services may be mandated for certain student-athletes depending upon their individual academic profile. Student-athletes are expected to attend all scheduled academic appointments, including content tutoring, academic mentoring, and sessions with the learning specialist.
All cancellations must occur before 4:00 pm and require at least a 2-hour written notice to the student-athlete’s Academic Counselor. Any cancellations received less than 2 hours prior to the scheduled appointment will result in a “No Show.” Sunday appointments must be cancelled before 4:00 pm on Friday.
Game Plan
Game Plan is an all-in-one student-athlete success platform. Students may log on to Game Plan by going to the following website.
Eagles for Equality
Boston College Athletics is one family. While unique men, women, and people, we are drawn together by the common values and mission of Boston College and in our desire to serve others. As a family, we are committed to diversity of all kinds—physical, spiritual, and thought. Eagles for Equality is the Ҵý student-athlete diversity, inclusion, and social justice organization.
Mental Health Resources
Sport Counseling
Boston College Sports Counseling is dedicated to promoting student-athlete mental health and providing help for those in need. A student-athlete’s mental health is every bit as important as their physical health. As with physical injuries, mental health problems may affect athletic performance and limit or even preclude participation in practice and competition until successfully managed and treated. Like most medical problems, early identification of mental health problems usually means less disruption to a student-athlete’s life, fewer health complications, and a quicker recovery (excerpts taken from the NCAA’s Mental Health Best Practices, developed and endorsed by 25 of the most prominent mental health, medical, higher education, and sports medicine organizations in the nation).
Sports Counseling Staff
- Dr. Doug Comeau, Director of University Health Services, Primary Care Sports Medicine: 617-552-2225
- Matthew Yellis, MA, Sports Medicine Counselor
- Katie Goodman, LMHC, Contracted Clinical Supervisor
Mental Health Referrals
To request an appointment or to refer a student-athlete in distress, please use the Student-Athlete Mental Health Referral form below.
Talk Space
Talk Space is a digital platform that gives you access to message a licensed therapist anytime.
SAAS supports the Ҵý academic community and the Athletics Department in our mission to pursue student-athlete excellence, student-athlete formation, and a just society by remaining committed to integrity, ethics, and honesty. As a result, we depend upon highly competent, skilled and diverse part-time employees to support our efforts to provide each student-athlete with the opportunity to EXCEL at Ҵý and in life beyond the Heights.
Ҵý student-athletes are among the nation’s best and brightest. Nonetheless, competing in the Atlantic Coast Conference and Hockey East while attending one of the nation’s most prestigious academic institutions is challenging even for the most intelligent and motivated student. SAAS is always recruiting to fill staffing needs in our part-time employee categories.
- Content Tutor
- Academic Mentor
- Study Monitor
- Writing Specialist
In general, applicants must possess more than just proficiency of course material. Applicants must also demonstrate effective communication, organization/time management, goal-setting, and problem-solving skills. To work for SAAS, qualified applicants must complete training to ensure understanding and willingness to comply with applicable Ҵý, NCAA, ACC, and SAAS policies, procedures, and guidelines. Additional training and meetings are also required.
Job descriptions, pay range, and our employment application can be found in the link below.
To apply, please complete the application form and return all required documentation to the Office Administrator, Anna Cersani via email at pacellaa@bc.edu or in person at 400 Yawkey Athletic Center.
Please note that submission of an application does not guarantee employment.
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