Envisioning Democratic Futures 2024-2025

As the last century came to an end, democracy appeared triumphant. After terror and tumult, world war and iron curtains, it seemed democracy, peace and prosperity would endureand expand. Twenty-five years later, it survives in pockets around the world. But the many dangers it confronts—some familiar, others of newer vintage—are reminders of its fragility. As we enter the next quarter of the 21st century, the Clough Center takes stock: How has the democratic past, and its present, shaped its multiple futures?
Democracy—which has always been aspirational—faces acute challenges. Across the globe, entrenched autocracies cling to power and quash would-be reformers. Once resonant democratic voices are now barely audible. Even in the historic heartlands where democratic structures and values have grown and matured since the Enlightenment, perils loom large. Bureaucracies shield decisionmakers from ordinary citizens and broken campaign promises sap public trust. Inadequate preparation in civics and history leaves young people cynical, fearful, and ill-equipped for participatory government. An array of forces—from advancing technology to shocking violence—threaten the cohesion and trust that democracies require.
Yet there are still reasons for optimism. This year, the Clough Center will bring together scholars, students, journalists and citizens to consider foundational questions that are bothfamiliar and urgent: how to build and enrich democratic governance? What does it mean to livein and conserve a democratic society? The Clough Center invites the Boston College community and the interested public to join us in examining democracy’s past, investigating its present, and envisioning its futures.
Events are open to the wider Ҵý community and the general public, and most will be streamed online. Please join us for our year-long exploration of “Envisioning Democratic Futures,” and add your voice to the conversation.