The Eagle Intern Fellowship provides financial support of up to $4,800 to Boston College undergraduates who are on financial aid who obtain internships with organizations that are not able to provide a salary. By eliminating financial barriers, this program provides an opportunity for you to explore your career interests and experience the world of work.


The Eagle Intern Fellowship is a monetary stipend to support the unpaid internships of students on financial aid through Boston College. Stipends will vary in size depending on each students' financial need (as determined by the Boston College Financial Aid office) and the total hours you will work at your internship.

Eagle Intern Fellows also receive:

  • Individualized career coaching throughout your internship to help you make the most of your internship and connect your experience to future career goals
  • An opportunity to present about your experience to the Boston College community

By participating in the Eagle Intern Fellowship program, you will be able to:

  • Identify at least one skill you hope to incorporate into your career paths that aligns with the skills employers are seeking in recent college graduates.
  • Connect the skills, interests and values you are gaining at Boston College to specific opportunities of interest.
  • Articulate how you will become a person for others in your career field of interest.
  • Articulate 1-3 next steps in your career discernment and planning.

While we cannot guarantee that you will receive an EIF grant, most of the students who applied for grants for the summer of 2023 received one.

Application Information



The Impact of Eagle Intern Fellowship

Past recipients tell stories of the experiences they were able to have thanks to EIF. 

Sydney Constantino, MCAS '23


Ahura Shadfar, MCAS '25

Office of Charlie Baker

Fran Hodgins, CSOM '24

Float - Stockholm, Sweden

I couldn’t have done this internship without the Eagle Intern Fellowship. What [the Career Center does] for us is amazing. I really couldn’t have stayed here in Boston and built the connections I have now without their support.
Former Eagle Intern Fellow Matthew Alvarado '20, Interned with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Massachusetts Bay; offered full-time position after graduation

Past Recipients

Connect with EIF Tradition

Meet a few of our past fellowship recipients who interned across the country and globe in industries ranging from medical research to federal government to magazine publishing. 

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