Organization of Cytokinetic Events

How does the cell organize multi-step cytokinetic processes to successfully separate cells after division?

The final step in cell division is cytokinesis, where the cytoplasm divides into two after nuclear division. Cytokinesis involves multiple steps that are spatiotemporally organized for successful cell separation. During cytokinesis, the cell ensures that the actomyosin ring constricts only after complete chromosome segregation to help maintain genomic integrity in the progeny. In fission yeast, ring constriction is accompanied by septum ingression. Septum formation involves synthesis of a primary septum, which is then flanked by the secondary septum. Finally, the cells separate when digestive enzymes are delivered to break down the primary septum. The secondary septum that remains form the cell wall for the new ends generated as a result of cell division. These multiple steps need to occur in the right spatiotemporal order to ensure successful cell division and prevent cell death. 

How does the cell organize multi-step cytokinetic processes to successfully separate cells after division? Our lab has discovered a novel spatiotemporal activation pattern of the small GTPase Cdc42 that promotes distinct events during cytokinesis (). While Cdc42 was implicated in cytokinesis, its precise role in cytokinesis was unclear, likely due to the complexity of its regulation. Our data indicate that the spatiotemporal activation pattern of Cdc42 at the division site helps to organize different cytokinetic events. Current projects in the lab are focused on the following questions:

3D reconstruction of cell division site in a CRIB-GFP

We have reported that during cytokinesis the Cdc42 activator Gef1 localizes to the actomyosin ring and activates Cdc42 to promote timely onset of ring constriction and septum ingression (). The activator Scd1 localizes to the membrane barrier behind the ring and facilitates proper septum formation. Scd1 promotes primary septum formation while restricting excessive secondary septum formation (). Finally, Cdc42 is inactivated at the division site, promoting successful cell abscission. Thus a gradient of active Cdc42 is established at the division site (Fig. 1) and we posit that this gradient organizes different cytokinetic events. We are currently investigating how the different regulators of Cdc42 establish its spatiotemporal activation pattern over time at the division site.