Higgins Hall 330J
Telephone: 617-552-8450
Email: cyril.opeil@bc.edu
Thermo-physical properties of meteorites and asteroid formation.
Nanocomposite thermoelectric material development and characterization.
Electronic structure of martensite and shape memory alloys.
R. J. Macke, SJ, C. Opeil, SJ and G. J. Consolmagno, SJ, Heat capacities of ordinary chondrite falls below 300 K, Meteoritics & Planetary Science 54 2729鈥2743 (2019).听听
M. Yao, C. Opeil, S. Wilson and M. Zebarjadi, Experimental determination of phonon thermal conductivity and Lorenz ratio of single-crystal bismuth telluride, MRS Communications 7 922-927 (2017).听听
M. Yao, M. Zebarjadi and C. P. Opeil, Experimental determination of phonon thermal conductivity and Lorenz ratio of single crystal metals: Al, Cu, and Zn, Journal of Applied Physics 122 135111 (2017).听
M. Yao, W. Liu, X. Chen, Zhensong Ren, S. Wilson, Zhifeng Ren, and C. Opeil, Low temperature thermoelectric properties of p-type copper selenide with Ni, Te and Zn dopants, Journal of Alloy and Compounds 669 718-721 (2017).听听
M. Yao, W. Liu, X. Chen, Zhensong Ren, S. Wilson, Zhifeng Ren, and C. Opeil "Anomalous CDW ground state in Cu2Se: A wave-like fluctuation of the dc I-V curve near 50 K, Journal of Materiomics 3 150-157 (2017).听
C. Opeil, Seven Billion and Counting: Paradise Crowded, Integritas 8.3 1-16 (Fall, 2016).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6017/integritas.v8i3p%25p
Q. Zhang, E. K. Chere, K. McEnaney, M. Yao, F. Cao, Y. Ni, S. Chen , C. Opeil, G. Chen, and Z. Ren, Enhancement of Thermoelectric Performance of n-Type PbSe by Cr Doping with Optimized Carrier Concentration, Advances in Energy Materials 5 1401977 (2015).
W. Liu, H. S. Kim, S. Chen, Q. Jie, B. Lv, M. Yao, Zhensong Ren, C. P. Opeil, S. Wilson, C.-W. Chu, and Zhifeng Ren, 鈥渘-type thermoelectric material Mg2Sn0.75Ge0.25 for high power generation, Proceedings of the National Academies of Science USA 112 (11) 3269鈥3274 (2015).听听
X. Chen, T. Hogan, D. Walkup, W. Zhou, M. Pokharel, M. Yao, W. Tian, T. Z. Ward, Y. Zhao, D. Parshall, C. Opeil, J. W. Lynn, V. Madhavan, and S. D. Wilson, Influence of electron doping on the ground state of (Sr1鈭抶Lax)2IrO4, Phys. Rev. B 92 075125 (2015).
E. K. Chere, Q. Zhang, K. McEnaney, M. Yao, F. Cao, J. Sun, S. Chen, C. Opeil, G. Chen, Z. Ren, Enhancement of thermoelectric performance in n-type PbTe1鈭抷Sey by doping Cr and tuning Te:Se ratio, Nano Energy 13 355-367, April 2015.听
M. Koirala, H. Wang, M. Pokharel, Y. Lan, C. Guo, C. Opeil, and Z. Ren, Nanostructured YbAgCu4 for Potentially Cryogenic Thermoelectric Cooling, Nano Letters 14 5016-5020 (2014).听听
M. Pokharel, T. Dahal, Zhensong Ren, P. Czajka, S. Wilson, Zhifeng Ren, C. Opeil, Thermoelectric properties of CeAl3 prepared by hot-press method, Energy Conversion & Management 87 584-588 (2014).
A. D. Liao, M. Yao, F. Katmis, M. Li, S. Tang, J. S. Moodera, C. Opeil, and M. S. Dresselhaus, Induced electronic anisotropy in bismuth thin films, Applied Physics Letters 105 063114 (2014).听听
W. Liu, C. Fei Guo, M. Yao, Y. Lan, H. Zhang, Q. Zhang, S. Chen, C. P. Opeil, Z. Ren, Bi2S3 nanonetwork as precursor for improved thermoelectric performance, Nano Energy 4 113-122, March 2014.听
M. Pokharel, T. Dahal, Z. Ren, C. Opeil, Thermoelectric properties of nanocomposite heavy fermion CeCu6, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 609 228-232 (2014).听听
M. Pokharel, H. Z. Zhao, M. Koirala, Z. F. Ren, and C. Opeil,Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance of Te-doped FeSb2 Nanocomposite, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 176 (1-2) 122-130 (2014).
M. Pokharel, H. Zhao, K. A. Modic, Z. Ren, and C. Opeil, Magnetic Properties of Hot-Pressed FeSb2, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 50 (5) 2400304 May 2014.听听
C. Dhital, T. Hogan, W. -W. Zhou, X. Chen, Zhensong Ren, M. Pokharel, Y. Okada, M. Heine, W. Tian, Z. Yamani, J. Helton, J. Lynn, C. Opeil, Z. Wang, V. Madhavan, and S. Wilson, Carrier localization and electronic phase separation in a doped spin-orbit driven Mott phase in Sr3(Ir1-xRux)2O7, Nature Communications 5 (3377) 25 Feb 2014.
Q. Zhang, Y. Lan, S. Yang, F. Cao, M. Yao, C. Opeil, D. Broido, G. Chen, Z. Ren, Increased thermoelectric performance by Cl doping in nanostructured AgPb18SbSe20鈭抶Clx, Nano Energy 2 (6) 1121-1127, November 2013.听
M. Pokharel, H. Zhao, Z. Ren, and C. Opeil, Grain boundary Kapitza resistance analysis of nanostructured FeSb2, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 71 32-35 (2013).听
S. Chen, K. C. Lukas, W. Liu, C. P. Opeil, Z. Ren, Effect of Hf Concentration on Thermoelectric Properties of Nanostructured N-Type Half-Heusler Materials HfxZr1鈥搙NiSn0.99Sb0.01, Advanced Energy Materials 3 1210-1214 (2013).听听
W. Liu, K. C. Lukas, K. McEnaney, S. Lee, Q. Zhang, C. P. Opeil, G. Chen and Z. Ren, Studies on the Bi2Te3鈥揃i2Se3鈥揃i2S3 system for mid-temperature thermoelectric energy conversion, Energy Environmental Science 6 552-560 (2013).听听
Q. Zhang, Bolin Liao, Y. Lan, K. Lukas, W. Liu, K. Esfarjani, C. Opeil, D. Broido, G. Chen, and Z. Ren, High thermoelectric performance by resonant dopant indium in nanostructured SnTe, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA, 110 (33) 13261鈥13266 (2013).听听
M. Koirala, H. Zhao, M. Pokharel, S. Chen, T. Dahal, C. Opeil, G. Chen, and Z. Ren, Thermoelectric Property Enhancement by Cu nanoparticles in Nanostructured FeSb2, Applied Physics Letters 102 213111 (2013).听听
M. Pokharel, Huaizhou Zhao, K. Lukas, Z. Ren, C. Opeil, Phonon drag effect in nanocomposite FeSb2, MRS Communications 3 31-36 (2013).听
Q. Zhang, F. Cao, K. Lukas, W. Liu, K. Esfarjani, C. Opeil, D. Broido, D. Parker, D. J. Singh, G. Chen, and Z. Ren, Study of the Thermoelectric Properties of Lead Selenide Doped with Boron, Gallium, Indium, or Thallium, Journal American Chemical Society 134 (42) 17731-17738 October 24, 2012.
M. Zebarjadi, J. Yang, K. Lukas, B. Kozinsky, B. Yu, M. S. Dresselhaus, C. Opeil, Z. Ren, G. Chen, Role of phonon dispersion in studying phonon mean free paths in skutterudites, Journal of Applied Physics 112 044305 (2012).
K. C. Lukas, W.S. Liu, Q. Jie, Z.F. Ren, C.P. Opeil, Thermal Stability of Thermoelectric Materials via In Situ Resistivity Measurements, Review of Scientific Instruments 83 115114 (2012).
H. Zhao, M. Pokharel, S. Chen, B. Liao, K. Lukas, H. Wang, C. Opeil, G. Chen, Z. Ren Figure-of-Merit Enhancement in Nanostructured FeSb2-xAgx with Nanoinclusions Ag1-ySby, Nanotechnology 23 505402 (2012).听 听
B. Yu, M. Zebarjadi, Hu. Wang, K. Lukas, He. Wang, D. Wang, C. Opeil, M. Dresselhaus, G. Chen, Z.F. Ren, Enhancement of Thermoelectric Properties by Modulation-Doping in Silicon Germanium Alloy Nanocomposites, Nano Letters 12 2077鈭2082 (2012).听
K. C. Lukas, H. Zhao, R. L. Stillwell, Z. F. Ren, C. P. Opeil, Cerium Doped Bismuth Antimony, MRS Proceedings, Vol. 1456 (2012).
Q. Zhang, F. Cao, W. Liu, K. Lukas, B. Yu, S. Chen, C. Opeil, D. Broido, G. Chen, Z. Ren Heavy doping and band engineering by potassium to improve the thermoelectric figure of merit in p-type PbTe, PbSe, and PbTe(1-y)Se(y), Journal of American Chemical Society 134 10031, May 24, 2012.听听
C. Dhital, S. Khadka, Z. Yamani, C. de la Cruz, T. C. Hogan, S. M. Disseler, M. Pokharel, K. C. Lukas, W. Tian, C. P. Opeil, Z. Wang, and S. D. Wilson, Spin ordering and electronic texture in the bilayer iridate Sr3Ir2O7, Physical Review B 86 100401(R) (2012).听听
K. C. Lukas, W. S. Liu, Z. F. Ren, and C. P. Opeil, Transport properties of Ni, Co, Fe, Mn doped Cu0.01Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 for thermoelectric device applications, Journal of Applied Physics 112 054509 (2012).
M. Pokharel, H. Zhao, K. C. Lukas, Z. Ren and C. P. Opeil, Enhanced Thermoelectric Properties of FeSbx Nanocomposites Through Stoichiometric Adjustment, MRS Proceedings, Vol. 1456 (2012).
http://dx.doi.org/10.1557/opl.2012.1505听 听 听 听 听
K. C. Lukas, W. S. Liu, G. Joshi, Z. F. Ren, C. P. Opeil, Thermoelectric Properties of Ho Doped Bi0.88Sb0.12, Journal of Materials Science 47 (15) 5729-5734 (2012).
K. C. Lukas, W. S. Liu, G. Joshi, M. Zebarjadi, M. S. Dresselhaus, Z. F. Ren, G. Chen, and C. P. Opeil, Experimental determination of the Lorenz number in Cu0.01Bi2Te2.7 Se0.3 and Bi0.88Sb0.12, Physical Review B 85 205410 (2012).
C. P. Opeil S.J., G.J. Consolmagno S.J., D. J. Safarik, and D.T. Britt, Stony meteorite thermal properties and their relationship to meteorite chemical and physical states, Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences 47 (3) March, 319-329, 2012.
Qian Zhang, Qinyong Zhang, S. Chen, W. Liu, K. Lukas, X. Yan, H. Wang, D. Wang, C. P. Opeil, G. Chen, and Z. Ren Suppression of grain growth by an additive in nanostructured p-type bismuth antimony tellurides, Nano Energy 1 183-189 (2012).听
H. Zhao, M. Pokharel, G. Zhu, S. Chen, K. Lukas, Q. Jie, C. Opeil, G. Chen, and Z. Ren, Dramatic thermal conductivity reduction by nanostructures for large increase in thermoelectric figure-of-merit of FeSb2, Applied Physics Letters 99 163101 (2011).听 听
C. Dhital, C. Dela Cruz, C. Opeil, A. Treat, K. F. Wang, J. Liu, Z. Ren, and S.D. Wilson, Neutron scattering study of magnetic phase separation in phase separation in nanocrystalline La5/8Ca3/8MnO3, Physical Review B 84 144401 (2011).
E. K. H. Salje, D. J. Safarik, K. A. Modic,听 J. E. Gubernatis,听 J. C. Cooley,听 R. D. Taylor, B. Mihaila, A. Saxena,听 T. Lookman,听 J. L. Smith,听 R. A. Fisher,听 M. Pasternak, C. P. Opeil,听 T. Siegrist,听 P. B. Littlewood and J. C. Lashley, Tin telluride: A weakly co-elastic metal,听
Physical Review B 82 184112 (2010).
P. B. Littlewood, B. Mihaila, R. K. Schulze, D. J. Safarik, J. E. Gubernatis, A. Bostwick, E. Rotenberg, C. P. Opeil, T. Durakiewicz, and J. L. Smith, J. C. Lashley, Band structure of SnTe studied by photoemission spectroscopy, Physical Review Letters 105 086404 (2010).
C. P. Opeil, G.J. Consolmagno, D.T. Britt, The thermal conductivity of meteorites: New measurements and analysis, Icarus 208 449-454 (2010).听
B. Winn, S. M. Shapiro, J. C. Lashley, C. Opeil, W. Ratcliff听 Structural Phase Transition in AuZn Alloys, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 251 012027 (2010).
X.-D. Yang, P. S. Riseborough, K. A. Modic, R. A. Fisher, C. P. Opeil, T. R. Finlayson, J. C. Cooley, J. L. Smith, P. A. Goddard, A.V. Silhanek and J. C. Lashley, Influence of magnetic fields on structural martensite transitions, Philosophical Magazine 89 2083-2091 (2009).听
G. M. Schmiedeshoff, A.W. Lounsbury, S. W. Tozer, E. C. Palm, S. T. Hannahs, T. P. Murphy, J. -H. Park, C. P. Opeil, and K. S. Bedell, Thermal expansion and magnetostriction of a nearly saturated 3He-4He mixture, Philosophical Magazine 89 2071-2078 (2009).
C. P. Opeil, J. C. Lashley, J. L. Smith, Angle-dependent magnetoresistance near the premartensitic phase of Ni2MnGa, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 150 042109 (2009).
J. C. Lashley, S. M. Shapiro, B. L. Winn, C. P. Opeil, M. E. Manley, A. Alatas, W. Ratcliff, T. Park, R. A. Fisher, B. Mihaila, P. Riseborough, E. K. H. Salje, and J. L. Smith, Observation of a continuous phase transition in a shape-memory alloy, Physical Review Letters 101 135703 (2008).听
C. P. Opeil, B. Mihaila, R. K. Schulze, L. Manosa, A. Planes, W. L. Hults, R. A. Fisher, P. S. Riseborough P. B. Littlewood, J. L. Smith, and J. C. Lashley, Combined experimental and theoretical investigation of the premartensitic transition in Ni2MnGa, Physical Review Letters 100 165703 (2008).听
J. C. Lashley, B. Mihaila, C. P. Opeil, F. R. Drymiotis, and J. L. Smith, Reply to Comment on: Pinning frequencies of the collective modes in 飦-uranium, Physical Review Letters 98, 249702 (2007).听听
J. C. Lashley, R. K. Schulze, B. Mihaila, W. L. Hults, J. C. Cooley, J. L. Smith, P. S. Riseborough, C. P. Opeil, R. A. Fisher, O. Svitelskiy, A. Suslov, T. R. Finlayson, Electronic instabilities in shape-memory alloys: Thermodynamic and electronic structure studies of martensitic transition, Physical Review B, 75 205119 (2007).听
J. C. Lashley, M. F. Hundley, B. Mihaila, J. L. Smith, C. P. Opeil, T. R. Finlayson, R. A. Fisher and N. Hur, Heat capacity in magnetic and electric fields near the ferroelectric transition in triglycine sulfate, Applied Physics Letters 90, 052910 (2007).听听
C. P. Opeil, R. K. Schulze, H. M. Volz, J. C. Lashley, M. E. Manley, W. L. Hults, R. Hanrahan, Jr., J. L. Smith, B. Mihaila, K. B. Blagoev, R. C. Albers, P. B. Littlewood, Angle-resolved photoemission and first-principles electronic structure of 飦-U(001), Physical Review B, 75, 045120 (2007).听
J. C. Lashley, A. C. Lawson, J. C. Cooley, B. Mihaila, C. P. Opeil, L. Pham, W. L. Hults, J. L. Smith, G. M. Schmiedeshoff, F. R. Drymiotis, G. Chapline, S. Basu, and P. S. Riseborough Tricritical phenomenon at the 飦 飪 飦 transition in Ce0.9-xLaxTh 0.1 alloys, Physical Review Letters, 97, 235701 (2006).听
C. P. Opeil, R. C. Albers, K. B. Blagoev, M. Gul谩csi, J. C. Lashley, P. B. Littlewood,听 听M. E. Manley, B. Mihaila, P. S. Riseborough, R. K. Schulze, D. J. Thoma, H. M. Volz and J. L. Smith, Photoelectric effect in Uranium, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 75, 56-57 (2006).听
C. P. Opeil, R. K. Schulze, M. E. Manley, J. C. Lashley, W. L. Hults, R. J. Hanrahan, Jr., J. L. Smith, B. Mihaila, K. B. Blagoev, R. C. Albers, P. B. Littlewood, Valence-band UPS, 6p core-level XPS, and LEED of a uranium (001) single crystal, Physical Review B 73 165109 (2006).听
B. Mihaila, C. P. Opeil, F. R. Drymiotis, J. L. Smith, J. C. Cooley, A. Migliori, C. Mielke, T. Lookman, A. Saxena, A. R. Bishop, K. B. Blagoev, D. J. Thoma, P. Goddard, and J. C. Lashley, B. E. Lang, J. Boerio-Goates, B. F. Woodfield, and G. M. Schmiedeshoff, Pinning frequencies of the collective modes in 飦-uranium, Physical Review Letters 96 076401 (2006).听
C. Dames, B. Poudel, W. Z. Wang, J. Y. Huang, Z. F. Ren, Y. Sun, J. I. Oh, C. P. Opeil, M. J. Naughton and G. Chen, Low-dimensional phonon specific heat of titanium dioxide nanotubes, Applied Physics Letters 87, 031901 (2005).听
A. de Visser, M. J. Graf, C. P. Opeil, J. C. Cooley, J. L. Smith, A. Amato, C. Baines, F. Gygax, A. Schenck, Inhomogeneous magnetic order in Th doped UPt3 detected by 飦璖R, Physica B 359-361 1063-1065 (2005).
M. J. Graf, C. P. Opeil, T. Huber, Magnetic anisotropy and de Haas-van Alphen oscillations in a Bi microwire array studied via cantilever magnetometry at low temperatures, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 134 (5/6) 1055-1068, March 2004.听
C. P. Opeil, A. de Visser, M. J. Naughton, and M. J. Graf Crossover from anomalous to conventional antiferromagnetism in Pd-doped UPt3 studied via cantilever magnetometry, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272-276 244-245 (2004).听
M. J. Graf, A. de Visser, C. P. Opeil, J. C. Cooley, J. L. Smith, A. Amato, C. Baines, F. Gygax, and A. Schenck, Onset of antiferromagnetism in UPt3 via Th-substitution: studied by muon spin spectroscopy, Physical Review B 68 224421 (2003). https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.68.224421
C. P. Opeil and M. J. Graf, Evidence for the existence of a magnetic quantum critical point in U(Pt1-xPdx)3 Physica B 319 246-250 (2002).听
2019 University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. Topic: Condensed Matter from Space: Thermal and Physical Properties of CM2 Meteorites (19 November 2019).
2017 Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco, Peru, Topic: Understanding Thermoelectric Materials: Experimental Determination of Phonon Thermal Conductivity and Lorenz Ratio of Single Crystal Bismuth Telluride (01 June 2017).
2016听 听 Boston College, MA, Topic: Sustainability and the Human Person, Seven Billion and Counting: Paradise Crowded (15 October 2016). The Boston College Roundtable Conference: Advancing the Mission of Catholic Higher Education.听
2016 University of Central Florida, FL, Topic: Thermo-Physical Properties of Carbonaceous Chondrites (26 October 2016). CLASS: Center For Lunar And Asteroid Surface Science, SSERVI: Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute, NASA Webcast.
2016 Boston College, MA, Topic: Scientific Research: Society and the Common Good (27 January 2016) A presentation for Boston College STEM Graduate Students.
2015 Kirtland Air Force Base, NM, Topic: Advances in Lanthanide based
Thermoelectric Materials (05 May 2015) Cryogenic Peltier Cooling Conference for the Department of Defense.
2015 University of Central Florida, FL, Topic: Meteoritic: Thermal Conductivity, Heat Capacity and Young鈥檚 Modulus (14 January 2015) CLASS: Center For Lunar And Asteroid Surface Science, SSERVI: Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute.
2014 Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA, Topic: Seebeck鈥檚 Effect: Electricity From Material Heat Differentials (12 April 2014) Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth Conference.
2013 Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA, Topic: Thermoelectric Materials: Energy Production from Waste Heat (25 September 2013) Sesquicentennial Symposium-Energy: From the Last to the Next 150 Years.
2012 Brown University, Providence, RI: Topic: Advancing Low-Temperature Thermoelectric
Efficiency in FeSb2 by Stoichiometry, Grain-Size and Metallic Inclusions (29 November
2011听 听University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, Topic: Iron Rich Stoichiometry for FeSbX
Produces Higher Thermoelectric Figure of Merit (23 November 2011).
2011听 听Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, Topic: FeSb2 Nanocomposite Yields Higher Thermoelectric Figure of Merit (24 November 2011).
2011 Boston College - Burns Library, Chestnut Hill, MA, Topic: Jesuits in Newton's Orbit - Influences on the Principia Mathematica (07 November 2011).
2011听 Georgetown University - Woodstock Theological Center, Washington, DC, Topic: Jesuits and the Sciences at Georgetown University II, How do Jesuit Scientists find God in all things? (28 September 2011).
2011 Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, Keynote Address: Annual LANL Post-Doc Research Review, Topic: Physics Research and Impact of Post-Doc Experience
on a Jesuit-Priest-Physicist (16 June 2011).
2010 University of Vermont, Burlington VT, Topic: Ferromagnetic order found at 298 K in (Sn0.995Cr0.005)Te and is SnTe metallic? (27 November 2010).
2010 CalCon - The 65th Calorimetry Conference (July 17-23, 2010) Colorado Springs, CO,听
Topic: Ferromagnetic order at 298 K in Cr0.005Sn0.995Te (22 July 2010).
2008 Occidental College, Pasedena, CA, Topic: When a Good Martensite Metal Goes Bad (19 November 2008).
2008 Symposium on Correlated Electron Physics, Santa Fe, NM, Topic: Heavy Fermion and Antiferromagnetic Crossover Behaviors (27 August 2008).
2007 Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA, Topic: Magneto-Striction and Charge Density Wave Behavior at the Pre-Martensite Transition in Ni2MnGa (26 October 2007).听
2007 CalCon - The 62nd Calorimetry Conference (August 4 - 9, 2007) Honolulu, HI,听
Topic: Calorimetry of Ferromagnetic Heuslers in High Magnetic Fields: Observation of a Pseudo-gap in Ni2MnGa, 06 August 2007.
2006 University of Barcelona, Spain, Topic: ARPES on U and the Pseudogap in Ni2MnGa,听 03 June 2006.听听
2006 Georgetown University Science Lecture Series, Topic: LEED, ARPES and WIEN2K Band Structure Calculation of 飦 - Uranium (001) 31 January 2006, Georgetown University, Reiss Science Building.
2005 LANL Workshop on Correlated Electron Effects for Anomalous Properties of Elemental Actinides (May 23-25, 2005) Los Alamos, NM Topic: ARPES on Single Crystal Uranium and Other New Results (Workshop Organizers:听 K. B. Blagoev, B. Mihaila,听 听 C.P. Opeil & J. L. Smith)
2004 CalCon - The 59th Calorimetry Conference (June 27 - July 1, 2004) Santa Fe, NM,听
Topic:听 Specific Heat, Antiferromagnetism and Quantum Critical Behavior in听