Experimental Research

Ìý– Laboratory for Assembly and Spectroscopy of Emergence (LASE) develops new methods to probe and manipulate materials, with a focus on novel states of mater (Topological Insulators, Majorana fermions, unconventional superconductors) and devices for clean energy generation (Water Splitting) and efficiency (Thermoelectrics). They are developing a one-of-a-kind clean-room in a glovebox to produce the highest quality two-dimensional atomic crystals and interfaces. Materials are probed using a combination of transport, Infrared, Terahertz, and Raman micro-spectroscopies.

Professor Graf's Group – Experimental low temperature physics and properties of novel materials in strong magnetic fields. Current interests include magnetism and superconductivity in strongly correlated systems; magnetic frustration; confinement and localization effects in nanostructured materials; and quantum spin dynamics and correlations. Techniques include electronic transport, muon spin spectroscopy and NMR, magnetometry, specific heat, and other thermal techniques.

Professor Ma’s GroupÌý– Experimental condensed matter physics; topological and correlated materials; 2D materials and devices; nanofabrication; electronic transport, optical and optoelectronic measurements of quantum materials.

– Nanoscale integrated science and low temperature condensed matter physics; bioelectric, neuroelectric, neuromagnetic sensors and actuators; nanophotonics and plasmonics; photovoltaics; low dimensional electron systems; magnetometry techniques in large static and pulsed magnetic fields. Program sponsored by the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, Department of Energy, W.M. Keck Foundation.

Professor Opeil's Group – Resonant ultrasound and Barkhausen noise in shape memory alloys, such as Ni2MnGa and AuZn.

– Experimental condensed matter physics, topological order, superconductivity, quantum phase transitions, spin liquids, low dimensional magnets, material synthesis, single crystal growth,  electrical, thermal, and thermo-electric transport measurements, high pressure and high field experiments.

– Atomic-scale spectroscopic characterization of quantum materials (topological insulators, high-temperature superconductors, transition metal dichalcogenides) using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM); Layer-by-layer material synthesis utilizing molecular beam epitaxy (MBE); Manipulation of electronic properties via strain, electrostatic gating, and magnetic field.

– Experimental condensed matter; quantum information science; atomic-scale defect centers in diamond. Fast, noise-resistant quantum control of single and coupled spins. Quantum sensing and imaging of magnetism, transport, and light-matter interactions in quantum materials.