
March 1, 2013
ʰԳٱ:Debbie Creamer

This presentation explores how churches might move beyond initial questions of access and think more fully of people with disabilities as equal participants in congregational life.  By examining theological assumptions about disability and our ideas of what it means to be “normal,” new possibilities emerge for congregational worship, teaching, leadership, pastoral care, and community life. 

Sponsored by the School of Theology and Ministry and generously supported by the Pyne Endowment Trust in memory of Professor Margaret E. Pyne, a lifelong advocate for persons with disabilities

 is the Interim Dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Director of the Ira J. Taylor Library, Iliff School of Theology, Denver, Colorado.  She is the author of Disability and Christian Theology: Embodied Limits and Constructive Possibilities (Oxford Press, 2009).