
November 6, 2014
ʰԳٱ:John R. Sachs, S.J.

Ignatius’s experience of God’s love changed his life: the way he viewed God, the way he viewed himself, and the way he viewed the world. In Christ, his eyes and heart were opened to the God who is personally present, creating and renewing all things; who desires the fullness of life for the whole creation and the intimacy of a real relationship with each of us; and who, and in many different ways, draws us all into a love that frees and forgives, invites and empowers us to be a part of God’s ongoing labor in the world, God’s creative “work-in-progress.”  This presentation highlights the key elements of Ignatian spirituality that flow from this vision.

Cosponsored by the School of Theology and Ministry and the Center for Ignatian Spirituality

John R. Sachs, S.J., is STM associate professor of systematic theology.  He has been active in the ministries of Ignatian retreats and spiritual direction since 1975.

Click here for a transcript of this lecture