Please refer to the Boston College Student Code of Conduct and University Policies page for information on the Student Code of Conduct, Title IX Harassment Policy, and University Policy and Procedures.
As per the university policy, academic integrity is violated by any dishonest act which is committed in an academic context including, but not restricted to the following.
Cheating is the fraudulent or dishonest presentation of work. Cheating includes but is not limited to:
● Use or attempted use of unauthorized aids in examinations or other academic exercises submitted for evaluation
● Fabrication, falsification, or misrepresentation of data, results, sources for papers or reports, or in clinical practice, as in reporting experiments, measurements, statistical analyses, tests, or other studies never performed; manipulating or altering data or other manifestations of research to achieve a desired result; selective reporting, including the deliberate suppression of conflicting or unwanted data
● Falsification of papers, official records, or reports
● Copying from another student's work
● Actions that destroy or alter the work of another student
● Unauthorized cooperation in completing assignments or during an examination
● Use of purchased essays or term papers or of purchased preparatory research for such papers
● Submission of the same written work in more than one course without prior written approval from the instructors involved
● Dishonesty in requests for late registrations, make-up exams, for extensions of deadlines for submitting papers, and in any other matter relating to a course
Plagiarism is the act of taking the words, ideas, data, illustrations, or statements of another person or source, and presenting them as one's own. Each student is responsible for learning and using proper methods of paraphrasing and footnoting, quotation, and other forms of citation, to ensure that the original author, speaker, illustrator, or source of the material used is clearly acknowledged.
Other breaches of academic integrity include:
● Misrepresentation of one's own or another's identity for academic purposes
● Misrepresentation of material facts or circumstances in relation to examinations, papers, or other evaluative activities
● Sale of papers, essays, or research for fraudulent use
● Alteration or falsification of official University records
● Unauthorized use of University academic facilities or equipment, including computer accounts and files
● Unauthorized recording, sale, purchase, or use of academic lectures, academic computer software, or other instructional materials
● Expropriation or abuse of ideas and preliminary data obtained during the process of editorial or peer review of work submitted to journals, or in proposals for funding by agency panels or by internal University committees
● Expropriation and/or inappropriate dissemination of personally-identifying human subject data;
● Unauthorized removal, mutilation, or deliberate concealment of materials in University libraries, media, or academic resource centers
Collusion is defined as assistance or an attempt to assist another student in an act of academic dishonesty. Collusion is distinct from collaborative learning, which may be a valuable component of students' scholarly development.
Collaboration at acceptable levels varies in different courses. Students are expected to consult with their instructor if they are uncertain whether their cooperative activities are acceptable.
Student Roles in Maintaining Academic Integrity
Students have a responsibility to maintain high standards of academic integrity in their own work, and thereby to maintain the integrity of their degree. It is their responsibility to be familiar with, and understand, the University policy on academic integrity.
Students who become aware of a violation of academic integrity by a fellow student should respond in one of the following ways:
● Students may discuss their concerns with the student whom they suspect of a violation. Direct contact by another student may be the best means of resolving the problem. Repeated demonstration of student concern for academic integrity will in the long run build a peer-regulated community.
● If the incident is a major violation or part of a repeated pattern of violations, students should bring their concerns to the attention of the instructor or to the appropriate department chairperson or associate dean. Suspected violations by students reported to members of the faculty or to an associate dean will be handled according to the procedures set forth below.
Students who have a serious concern that a faculty member is not living up to his or her responsibility to safeguard and promote academic integrity should speak with the faculty member directly, or should bring their concern to the attention of the department chairperson or associate dean.
Faculty Roles in Fostering Academic Integrity
Faculty members should provide students with a positive environment for learning and intellectual growth and, by their words and actions, promote conditions that foster academic integrity.
Faculty should be concerned about the impact of their behavior on students. Students are sensitive to messages communicated in informal discussions and in casual faculty remarks about personal decisions and value judgments. Students are perhaps most sensitive to how responsibly faculty members fulfill their obligations to them in the careful preparation of classes, in the serious evaluation of student achievement, and in their genuine interest in and availability to students.
Faculty should promote academic integrity in the following specific ways:
● At the beginning of each course, instructors should discuss academic integrity in order to promote an ongoing dialogue about academic integrity and to set the tone and establish guidelines for academic integrity within the context of the course, e.g., the extent to which collaborative work is appropriate. Where relevant, instructors should discuss why, when, and how students must cite sources in their written work.
● Instructors should provide students with a written syllabus or other documents prepared for the academic experience that states course requirements and, when available, examination dates and times.
● Instructors are encouraged to prepare new examinations and assignments where appropriate each semester in order to ensure that no student obtains an unfair advantage over his or her classmates by reviewing exams or assignments from prior semesters. If previous examinations are available to some students, faculty members should ensure that all students in the course have similar access. Course examinations should be designed to minimize the possibility of cheating, and course paper assignments should be designed to minimize the possibility of plagiarism.
● Proctors should be present at all examinations, including the final examination, and should provide students with an environment that encourages honesty and prevents dishonesty.
● Faculty should be careful to respect students’ intellectual property and the confidentiality of student academic information.
● Assignment of grades, which is the sole responsibility of the instructor, should be awarded in a manner fair to all students.
Academic Deans
The academic deans have overall responsibility for academic integrity within the Woods College which includes the following:
● Promoting an environment where academic integrity is a priority for both students and faculty.
● Ensuring that students who are honest are not placed at an unfair disadvantage.
● Establishing procedures to adjudicate charges of academic dishonesty and to protect the rights of all parties.
Violations of the Academic Integrity Policy
The university takes the violation of academic integrity seriously. Students who are found to be in violation of the academic integrity policy will face one of the following consequences: required to resubmit the assignment, required to retake the assessment, or given a zero on the related assignment or assessment. Violation information will be tracked by their associate dean. Students need to be aware that a second violation of the policy will result in being placed on probation, and a third violation may lead to the dismissal from the university.
Students who are dismissed must wait a minimum of 12 months before reapplying to an undergraduate or graduate program.
Students who wish to appeal an academic decision should use the following procedures.
Grade Appeal
Students should attempt to resolve grade issues with the course faculty member first. For graduate students—if a resolution is not reached, they shall notify their graduate program director who shall mediate a resolution.
If a resolution is not reached, then a student may appeal to the academic associate dean using the procedures in the Academic Decision Appeals section above. The decision on grade appeals resides with the academic associate dean and is final.
Appeal of other Academic Decisions
If a student wishes to appeal an academic decision, the student should submit a narrative and supporting documentation to the academic associate dean. This appeal must be submitted within one semester of the alleged policy violation.
The narrative needs to:
The academic associate dean will provide a written decision within 30 days.
If the student wishes to appeal the academic associate dean’s decision, it must be done in writing to the Dean. The appeal should explain why the student feels that the decision was arbitrary, unethical, or based on error.The Dean’s decision is final.
A record of each student’s academic work is prepared and maintained permanently by the Office of Student Services. Student academic records are sealed at the time the degree is conferred. After this date, changes may not be made, with the exception of errors or omissions.
Digital programs of study maintained by the Woods College are not considered official academic records.
Grades and timely completion of degree requirements determine a student’s good standing in his or her program. Students should be informed in a timely manner if their good standing is in jeopardy and the conditions needed to maintain or establish good standing.
At the undergraduate level, a Woods College student must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 to remain in good academic standing.
At the graduate level, a Woods College student must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 to remain in good academic standing.
Academic Warning
An undergraduate student is placed on Academic Warning for one of the following:
Terms of Academic Warning
This term needs to be met to be taken off Academic Warning.
During the Academic Warning period, students are strongly encouraged to meet with their advisor before registering for classes
Academic Probation
An undergraduate student is placed on Academic Probation for one of the following:
Terms of Academic Probation
All terms need to be met to be taken off Academic Probation.
Academic Dismissal
A student may be dismissed from the College for the following:
Students who are dismissed must wait a minimum of 12 months before reapplying to an undergraduate program.
Students wishing to appeal this decision should follow the Academic Appeal policy.
Academic Probation
A graduate student is placed on Academic Probation for the following:
Terms of Academic Probation
Academic Dismissal
A graduate student may be dismissed from the College for any of the following:
Students who are dismissed must wait at least 12 months before reapplying to any graduate program.
Students wishing to appeal this decision should follow the Academic Appeal policy.
SAP Criteria
Students will be deemed as making Unsatisfactory Academic Progress if one of the following conditions are met.
Nondegree students will be held to the academic standing standards as undergraduate and graduate degree-seeking students.
To clarify, nondegree students who receive a grade of F in any course will have an academic hold placed on their account and will be required to meet with the nondegree academic advisor before being allowed to enroll in subsequent courses. If the student is already enrolled in the subsequent semester, the student may be dropped from their courses. Should a nondegree student fail any additional course, their case will be reviewed by an Associate Dean and the student may be dismissed and temporarily barred for up to one year from taking more courses as a nondegree student.
Federal regulations (Sections 668.16(e).668.32(f) and 668.34) require that schools monitor the academic progress of each applicant for federal financial assistance and that the school certify that the applicant is making satisfactory academic progress toward earning his/her degree. This determination of progress must be made at least once a year and before the financial aid office disburses any federal aid funds for the subsequent semester. At Boston College, students are reviewed annually, at the end of each spring semester, for compliance with the Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements.
Failure to make adequate progress or to maintain good academic standing may adversely affect a student’s eligibility to receive financial aid and may render the student ineligible to graduate.
Students seeking accommodation for learning or other disabilities should submit documentation to Connors Family Learning Center or Disability Services Office prior to the start of class so that an appropriate plan for accommodation can be created. Professors cannot make accommodations without verification from Connors Family Learning Center or Disability Services Office. Students with documented disabilities or functional limitations are held to the same academic standards as other students. With the support of the Connors Family Learning Center or Disability Services Office and appropriate accommodation, these students should be able to maintain satisfactory academic progress for financial aid eligibility purposes.
Woods College undergraduate students are allowed to audit an undergraduate Woods College course (without receiving academic credit). The registration fee per semester is $25 and the fee to audit a course is one half of the normal tuition cost. The charge for the audit is considered a fee; therefore, there is no refund for a student who withdraws from a course taken as an audit.
Students wishing to change the status of a registered course from Credit to Audit (or vice-versa) must do so within the Add/Drop period. There are no course status changes allowed beyond the add/drop period.
Students enrolled in Woods College are not allowed to audit courses offered in any other Ҵý undergraduate schools. Students enrolled in any other Ҵý undergraduate schools are not allowed to audit any courses. It is not possible to audit graduate courses.
A certificate is a standalone credential that is completed outside of a degree program, normally requiring four to six courses. All certificates have a completion date and appear on a transcript.
A certificate may be completed at the same time as a degree program only if the certificate and degree program are independent of one another. Once a student is enrolled in a graduate degree program, the certificate, if within the same program, will become a concentration. Students may complete only one concentration in a degree program.
If a student completes a certificate within 5 years for graduate and 10 years for undergraduate, and enters a degree program, the certificate may be applied toward the degree program, if those courses are determined to be the equivalent of courses required for the degree.
The Graduate Programs at Woods College of Advancing Studies offer several graduate certificates. Each certificate requires the completion of four courses that build students’ knowledge and skills that are aligned with industry needs.
Prospective students may apply for a certificate program without becoming a Masters’ program student. Students who are or will be enrolled in one of the Masters’ degrees, may only take a graduate certificate if the certificate is fully outside their degree program.
Students enrolled in a Masters’ program may complete a program concentration in order to acquire related subject knowledge and industry related skills.
For more information about the graduate certificates please contact the respective Graduate Program Directors or Graduate Student Advisors.
The Undergraduate Program at Woods College offers only a certificate in Cybersecurity that requires six courses. Students enrolled in a Woods College undergraduate degree program, may complete a Cybersecurity minor, but as stated above, a certificate can only be completed if it is independent of a degree program.
For more information about the Cybersecurity certificate please contact the Undergraduate Student Advisors.
Students are expected to meet course requirements in classes as specified in the syllabus. Faculty policy on attendance may vary.Faculty will announce in advance tests, examinations, and other forms of assessments, as well as other assigned material. A student who is absent from class is responsible for what was covered in that class. If a student misses a class, the faculty are free to decide whether any makeup will be allowed. Students are not automatically entitled to make up assessments. As soon as the prospect of extended absence becomes clear, the student or their representative should communicate with their academic advisor.
Absences for Religious Reasons
Any student who is unable, because of their religious beliefs, to attend or to participate in any examination, study, or work requirement on a particular day shall be excused from any such examination, study, or work requirement and shall be provided with an opportunity to makeup such examination, study or work requirement that may have been missed because of such absence on any particular day. However, students should notify professors at the end of the first course meeting or at least two weeks in advance of any such planned observances, and such makeup examination or work shall not create an unreasonable burden upon the University. No fees will be charged, and no adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any student who is absent for religious reasons.
Woods College students, both graduate and undergraduate, enrolled in three Woods College courses are considered full-time for the purposes of financial aid, and students enrolled in two or fewer courses per semester are considered part-time. The maximum allowed course load is three courses per semester for students in the Woods College. A maximum of four courses over the duration of the summer sessions may be taken.
Course overloads (one additional course) will be considered on a case by case basis, pending an evaluation of academic performance. Advisor approval is required to process a registration for a course overload.
The Dean's List recognizes the achievement of undergraduate students semester by semester. Students with a GPA of 3.700 or above in the BA programs will be placed on the Dean’s List. In order to be eligible for the Dean's List, students must earn at least 8 or more credits in courses evaluated with a letter grade. Students must not have withdrawals, Pass/Fail grades, or incompletes in the semester in question.
Deferment Process
Admitted students seeking to defer their start term may do so for up to one academic year. This request must be made in writing to the Program Director and Associate Dean of Enrollment Management, who will both review the deferment request.
In instances where a sustained period of time has elapsed since a student was last enrolled, the academic dean or designee of the school, in consultation with the school’s Academic Standards Committee and/or the appropriate representative of the student’s college will decide the status of student seeking readmission. In determining which, if any academic requirements remain to be completed after readmission and before awarding the degree, the factors that will be considered include but are not limited to:
In all readmission cases, the decision to re-admit a student will be based on a consideration of the best interests of both the student and the University.
At the Woods College, a student who is not actively enrolled in a degree program for a period of five years will be considered inactive and may need to reapply to continue in the program. Students who reapply after being inactive will be responsible for completing any new program requirements and will follow all policies and procedures in effect at the time of readmission.
All courses must have a final assessment. Faculty usually set the day and time of their final assessment on the last day of class, and note in the syllabus.
All students are responsible for knowing when their final assessment will take place and for taking the assessment at the scheduled time.
● Students who miss a final assessment are not entitled, as a matter of right, to a makeup assessment. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis.
● Students who are not able to take a final assessment during its scheduled time should contact the faculty prior to the assessment date or as soon as possible, to inform the faculty of their situation and to make alternative arrangements if permission is granted to do so.
For each course in which a student is registered for credit, the student will receive one of the following grades at the end of the semester: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F, W, or I. The high passing grade of A is awarded for superior work.
Undergraduate Courses Grading Scale
In computing grade point averages, the following numerical equivalents are used.
Undergraduate Pass/Fail Courses
Sophomores, juniors, and seniors may elect to designate a course as pass/fail before the University deadlines. The deadlines are November 1 for the fall and April 1 for the spring. For summer, the change of grading is the same as the add/drop deadline. See the academic calendar for the specific summer and half-term deadlines.
Only electives can be taken pass/fail. Courses being used to fulfill major, minor, Core, or corequisites cannot be taken pass/fail. No more than one course of 3 or more credits may be taken pass/fail in any semester. No student may take more than six pass/fail courses of 3 or more credits for credit toward a degree.
Students can change the grading option for a course from letter grade to pass/fail on their own via EagleApps by the published deadline. Instructions on how to change a grading option can be found on the Student Services website,Undergraduate Academic Regulations page.
For each course in which a student is registered for credit, the student will receive one of the following grades at the end of the semester: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C, F, W, or I.
Forgraduate students, the minimum passing grade of C is acceptable. However, to graduate, a graduate student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher across all courses taken within their graduate program.
The passing grade of B is awarded for work that clearly is satisfactory at the graduate level. The low passing grade of C is awarded for work that is minimally acceptable at the graduate level. The failing grade of F is awarded for work that is unsatisfactory, and will not be allowed to be counted towards program completion.
Graduate Courses Grading Scale
In computing grade point averages, the following numerical equivalents are used.
Graduate Pass/Fail Courses
At the graduate level, experiential courses such as internships, practical, and project-based courses may be designated as pass/fail courses. If a course is not designated as pass/fail, a course may be taken pass/fail with approval of the Graduate Program Director and the Grad Associate Dean. No more than two (2) courses that are requested to be modified by the student to pass/fail can be counted towards degree completion.
The deadlines to request a pass/fail grade are November 1 for the fall and April 1 for the spring. For summer, the change of grading is the same as the add/drop deadline. See the academic calendar for the specific summer deadlines. See the academic calendar for the specific summer and half-term deadlines.
Students can change the grading option for a course from letter grade to pass/fail on their own via EagleApps by the published deadline. Instructions on how to change a grading option can be found on the Student Services website,Graduate Academic Regulations page.
All required work in a course must be completed by the last day of the semester. In cases of extenuating circumstances, with appropriate documentation, the instructor may use their discretion to issue a temporary grade of Incomplete (I). A contract for an incomplete may only be issued if the work that is missing is less than 25% of the required work in the class.
When this dispensation is used, a formal contract with outstanding work and deadlines is needed and must be sent to the appropriate WCAS Associate Dean for approval. Unresolved Incompletes will automatically be changed to a grade of “F” on March 1st for the fall semester, August 1st for the spring semester, and October 1st for the summer.
Appealing a Grade
All students have the right to be graded fairly and equitably in a course, to understand how a course grade is calculated, and to understand why an instructor has evaluated coursework as they have. It is, however, the instructor's right and responsibility to set the grading standards for a course and to use their own best judgment in evaluating and grading individual students' work.
Grading, by its nature, involves judgment. The grade received may not always be directly related to the amount of effort a student has expended. An instructor and a student may legitimately disagree on the quality of a piece of work, in which case the instructor's judgment prevails. Thus, such disagreements may not be the sole basis of an appeal.
However, for students who feel that their final course grades have been determined inaccurately or unfairly, there is a formal appeal policy which may be found above under “Academic Grievances.”
The university awards degrees in May, August, and December of each year and holds commencement each year in May. Students who have completed all requirements for the degree before a specific graduation date are eligible to receive the degree as of the university’s next official graduation date. A diploma will not be granted before all work is completed.
Students who graduate in December or anticipate graduating in August are eligible to participate in the May Graduation Commencement (this is called “walking” in the ceremony). Those anticipating to graduate in August are eligible to participate in graduation commencement (May) as “walkers” based on the following criteria:
Degrees are officially awarded upon completion of the student’s degree requirements.
For more information about eligibility to graduate and participate in the May Graduation Ceremony, schedule a meeting with your advisor. For additional information about the graduation ceremony, including the criteria to “walk” in the ceremony, please visit the Woods College Graduation Process page.
Woods College B.A. students must complete the following minimum requirements in order to graduate:
At the undergraduate level, students must earn a grade of D- or better for the course and credits to count toward graduation.
B.A. Students - Graduating with Honors
Latin honors accompanying the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science are awarded in three grades according to a student's overall cumulative average. Starting with the class of 2018, the cumulative average for degrees with honors will be as follows:
Academic honors are not calculated for graduate students.
Woods College Master’s students must complete the following minimum requirements in order to graduate:
At the graduate level, students must earn a grade of C or better for the course and credits to count toward graduation.
Applying as a Nondegree Student:
There are two types of nondegree students:
All nondegree students must complete an application. Once nondegree students have been admitted, they will be assigned to an academic advisor who will assist them in selecting appropriate courses.
Most Woods courses are open to nondegree students (with certain exceptions for courses in specific degree or certificate programs). The nondegree option is not intended for full-time study. Nondegree students will be limited to 2 courses per semester. Should a student wish to take more courses in a semester, they will need to apply to a degree or certificate program.
Nondegree students are not eligible for need-based or merit-based financial aid from Boston College or for most federally and state-funded assistance plans. (See specific assistance programs for exceptions.) However, nondegree work may qualify for reimbursement under employer-sponsored tuition remission development programs.
Continuation as a Nondegree Student
Nondegree students who wish to take courses before they matriculate in a degree or certificate program may take up to a maximum of 16 credits if they are an undergraduate nondegree student or 2 courses if they are a graduate nondegree student before they are required to matriculate into a degree or certificate program. If students plan on transitioning to a degree or certificate program, they will be required to submit an application. Regardless of when nondegree students begin taking courses, they will be held to the academic program and policies at the time of acceptance into a degree or certificate program.
Life-long learners have no limit to the number of courses they can take as long as they remain in good academic standing. The life-long learner designation is not intended to lead to a degree or certificate.
Academic Standing as a Nondegree Student
Please refer to the Academic Standing tab at the top of this page, Nondegree Student section, for details related to Academic Standing.
Undergraduate Degrees
Undergraduate students must complete the degree requirements within 10 years of initial enrollment in the degree program.
Undergraduate Certificates
Undergraduate students must complete the certificate requirements within 2 years of initial enrollment in the certificate.
Graduate Degrees
Graduate students must complete the degree requirements within 5 years of initial enrollment in the degree program.
Graduate Certificates
Graduate students must complete the certificate requirements within 2 years of initial enrollment in the certificate.
Non-Completion (Undergraduate and Graduate)
If completion is not achieved by the Time to Complete, then a Continuation Form needs to be approved by the (UG) Academic Dean and (G) Program Director and Academic Dean.
Allcurrent students should request official transcripts via the transcript request link in the Agora Portal. For detailed information on how to request transcripts please visit the Student Services webpage.
Transcript/Diploma Holds
The University will not issue diplomas or release transcripts for any student with an outstanding financial obligation to the University, which includes failure to complete a mandatory loan exit interview.
At the undergraduate level, a minimum of sixty credits must be completed at Boston College to satisfy residency requirements, and a maximum of sixty credits from regionally accredited institutions, CLEP exams, or Joint Service Transcripts may be transferred into a student’s program.
Courses from regionally accredited institutions with a grade of C or better may be accepted for transfer credits; only courses with a minimum of three credits will be considered for transfer to satisfy a Woods College program requirement. Courses with fewer than three credits will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis for transfer as elective credit.
For all students, transfer credits must be submitted for evaluation by the conclusion of your first semester of study at the Woods College. After the first semester, any student who wants to bring in transfer credits needs approval by the Associate Dean.
College Credit through Examination
Students will only be awarded up to a total of 15 credits from the combination of CLEP and DSST examinations.
College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) and DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST)offer students the opportunity to earn college credits through examination, by demonstrating comprehensive knowledge of college-level material gained through independent or prior study. The Woods College of Advancing Studies will accept up to 15 credits from the combination of the CLEP DSST examinations. The Woods College recognizes the American Council on Education’s college credit recommendations for each CLEP and DSST exam. Those recommendations can be found on the website and the website
Current students must consult with their academic advisor prior to taking CLEP/DSST exams for credit to verify that any CLEP/DSST exam will support the student’s program of study. Students seeking admission to the Woods College should consult an admissions advisor for evaluation of how previously taken CLEP/DSST exams will impact their program of study.
Joint Service Transcripts
Students who have served in the United States armed forces typically have college-level credit. The American Council on Education (ACE) has worked with the U.S. military to evaluate many of the service members’ training modules. They have recommended college-level credit for many of these trainings, and the Woods College of Advancing Studies recognizes that training for possible transfer credit.
When evaluating ACE credit recommendations for transfer, the Woods College will consider training that map onto courses or disciplines that Boston College offers. For example, a recommendation for 3 credits for Computer Applications would transfer as 3 credits within the Information Systems discipline. A recommendation of 3 credits for Aircraft Maintenance would not be eligible for transfer as Boston College does not offer any courses in this area.
Please consult an academic advisor during the admissions process to evaluate how many of the ACE credit recommendations on your JST might transfer into your program of study at Boston College.
At this time Boston College will accept up to 30 credits through the JST. Any CLEP/DSST credits a student may have would also count towards this 30-credit limit. For example, a student with 9 credits through CLEP/DSST would be allowed to bring in 21 credits through the JST. Or a student with 24 JST credits would be allowed to bring in 6 credits through CLEP/DSST exams.
Students should submit their official JST for evaluation prior to the conclusion of their first semester of study at the Woods College.
Taking Courses at other Institutions
Students enrolled in the Woods College as degree students must follow the curriculum prescribed by the college. Once a student matriculates, courses may not be taken at other institutions for credit in a Boston College degree program.
Students who have taken leaves of absence or have not enrolled in consecutive semesters at Woods College are not eligible for transfer credit for courses taken during their absence from the Woods College.
Transfer of Course Credit for Pass Grades
At the undergraduate level, courses with a grade of Pass, that equate to C or better, may be accepted for transfer as free electives only. Transfer courses with a Pass grade, will not be accepted towards core or major requirements
Policy Exception
Due to the pandemic, courses with a grade of Pass from the Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021 terms will be considered differently for transfer credit.
From these terms, courses with a grade of Pass the undergraduate level, that equate to C or better, may be accepted for transfer into core and major course areas.
Within the undergraduate programs, any courses transferred in with a grade of Pass taken during the above listed terms will not be counted towards the maximum number of Pass/Fail courses that a student may count toward their undergraduate degree.
Graduate students may transfer no more than 6 credits into their program only with approval from the respective graduate program director. Students should consult their program director or academic advisor if they have any questions regarding the transfer of credit.
Transfer of Course Credit for Pass Grades
At the graduate level, courses with a grade of Pass are not accepted for transfer credit.
Policy Exception
Due to the pandemic, courses with a grade of Pass from the Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021 terms will be considered differently for transfer credit.
At the graduate level during this period, up to two courses with a grade of Pass, that equate to B or better, may be accepted for transfer into a graduate program.
Current undergraduate Boston College students from other schools at Ҵý who are transferring to Woods College of Advancing Studies must submit an internal transfer application.
The following conditions will apply to all transfers of credit from any other Boston College school into Woods College of Advancing Studies:
Tuition for Woods College undergraduate and graduate programs is assessed on a per-course basis. Find current tuition rates on the Woods College website and at the Office of Student Services. Tuition charges are usually assessed to a student’s account within 48 hours of registration. Students should plan to pay tuition before classes start each semester.
Paying Your Tuition
Student billing takes place online through the Agora Portal. Generally, the first bill is posted within 48 hours of registration. Make your payment by clicking the “My Bill” link in Agora and using a debit or credit card to complete the transaction through Ҵý’s secure payment site. For additional information about billing and payment options, contact the Office of Student Services.
Tuition Refunds
Tuition for Woods College courses may be refunded when a student withdraws from a course according to the refund schedule outlined in the Woods College Academic Calendar. Please contact your advisor or program director if you wish to withdraw from a course. A completed withdrawal form must be submitted to Woods College by the deadline to trigger a refund (if applicable) to the student’s account. (For more details concerning Withdrawal, please see the "Withdrawal and Leave of Absence" section below.) Students who do not wish to leave any resulting credit in their accounts for later use should request a refund from the Office of Student Services.
Fees are not refunded, and tuition paid to audit a course is non-refundable.
Tuition Remission
Full-time, benefits-eligible employees, as well as their spouses and dependent children, are eligible for the Boston College tuition remission benefit. This benefit applies to tuition charges only, and all fees must be paid by the student. Find more information about the tuition remission benefit in the Boston College Employee Handbook.
Financial Aid
Eligible Woods College students can apply for Federal Student Aid by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). To be eligible, students must be enrolled in a degree program and register for two or more courses each semester during the academic year. Federal aid is awarded on the basis of financial need. The federal government works directly with students to make awards to eligible applicants after performing a needs analysis based on financial information submitted. Find out more about federal student aid eligibility and options at the Office of Student Services.
Please see the Scholarship portion of the website for information regarding Woods College-specific scholarship funding. For students applying for Summer 2017 or later, scholarship funding is now administered through the Woods College.
Any questions you may have can be discussed with your advisor, program director, or submitted via email to the Woods College Scholarship email account wcasscholarship@bc.edu. Emails should have the word SCHOLARSHIP in the subject line.
A major provides a depth of study in a particular discipline. A major in Woods College consists of at least 11 courses. Studentsmust declare a major by the time they have completed 60 credits. This does not prevent students from changing their major at a later date.
Students who have not declared a major by the time they have completed 60 credits will not be allowed to register. Transfer students who bring in 60 transfer credits must declare a major no later than the end of their first semester.
Minors at Woods College consists of at least 15 credits and at most 24 credits. Of these credits, only one course can be double counted in the major or core. No more than half of the minor may consist of transfer credits.
Students must take:
Students must successfully complete at least 12 credits at Woods College before applying to a Minor program.
Official communications of the University with its currently enrolled students, including notices of academic and administrative matters and communications from faculty and administrative staff, may be sent via postal service, campus mail, or email. To assure that these communications arrive in a timely manner, all enrolled students have the following responsibilities:
The University recognizes and uses electronic mail as an appropriate medium for official communication. The University provides all enrolled students with email accounts as well as access to email services from computer stations at various locations on campus. All students are expected to access their email accounts regularly, to check for official University communications, and to respond as necessary to such communications.
Students may forward their email messages from their University email accounts to non-university email systems. In such cases, students shall be solely responsible for all consequences arising from such forwarding arrangements, including any failure by the non-university system to deliver or retain official University communications. Students should send test messages to and from their University email account on a regular basis, to confirm that their email service is functioning reliably.
All student responses to official email communications from the University must contain the student’s University email address in the “From:” and “Reply To:” lines and should originate from the student’s University email account, to assure that the response can be recognized as a message from a member of the University community.
Postal service and Campus mail
For purposes of written communication, the student’s local and permanent addresses on record at the Office of Student Services will be regarded as the student’s official local and permanent residences. All students have a responsibility to provide both local and permanent mailing addresses and to enter corrections through their Agora Portal if the addresses are not accurate in University records. Students should review their address record for accuracy at the beginning of each semester and again soon after submitting any corrections.
There may be times—due to personal, medical and/or other reasons—when an undergraduate/graduate student may need or want to take a leave of absence from the University. This policy describes the process to take and return from a leave of absence as well as addresses additional expectations and questions about the process.
Taking a leave of absence can be a difficult decision and the University wants to support students as they consider taking a leave. We encourage students to outreach to the Undergraduate/Graduate Associate Dean to ask questions, discuss options, and be referred for additional support if needed.
Undergraduate/Graduate students may take either a personal or medical leave. In order to request a leave of absence, students must complete the and indicate whether they are taking a personal or medical leave of absence. Please see additional information regarding a personal leave of absence and a medical leave of absence below.
A personal leave of absence may be taken for any reason. To request a personal leave of absence, students must complete the no later than the semester’s last date for a withdrawal from the University.
Students who take a personal leave of absence once classes have started will be withdrawn from those classes and receive "W"s on their transcripts for those classes. Students may be eligible for a tuition refund depending on the date of the requested leave of absence.
In some cases, students may not be eligible for the full amount of their financial aid package if they do not complete the semester. Fees are non-refundable. If a student takes a leave of absence during the 100% tuition refund period, any classes they are registered for will be dropped and not appear on transcripts.
Registering for classes in future semesters: generally, students cannot register for classes while on a leave of absence. Please see the readmission process section below regarding registering for future classes.
A medical leave of absence may be taken because of a student’s medically documented illness, including physical and/or mental health. The and supporting medical documentation must be submitted no later than the semester’s last date for a withdrawal from the University. Permission for a medical leave after that deadline is rare and would require additional supporting documentation.
To request a medical leave of absence, students must:
If a student takes a leave of absence once classes have started, they will be withdrawn from those classes and receive "W"s on their transcript for those classes. Students may be eligible for a tuition refund depending on the date of the leave.
In some cases, students may not be eligible for the full amount of their financial aid package if they do not complete the semester. Fees are nonrefundable.
If a student takes a leave of absence during the 100% tuition refund period, any classes they are registered for will be dropped and not appear on transcripts.
Registering for classes in future semesters: generally, students cannot register for classes while on a leave of absence. Please see the readmission process section below regarding registering for future classes.
When you can request readmission: students on leave of absence must request to be readmitted no later than August 1 for the fall semester and December 1 for the spring semester. Undergraduate students must complete the for readmission. This form will go to their Undergraduate/Graduate Academic Associate Dean.
Graduate students need to contact their Graduate Program Director to see readmission.
Additional information regarding returning from a medical leave: When a student takes a medical leave of absence, the Directors of UCS/ UHS will provide a recommended length of leave. Generally, in order to ensure that a student can obtain adequate treatment and demonstrate readiness to return, Boston College recommends students on medical leave follow that recommendation.
For a medical leave due to mental health-related concerns: your licensed mental health provider must submit the Readmission to Boston College from Medical Leave of Absence form to the UCS Director. You must also submit a completed Release of Information for Return from Medical Leave and complete the student section as well.
For a medical leave due to physical health-related concerns: your licensed health provider must provide documentation regarding readiness to return to Ҵý to the Director of UHS. You must also submit a completed release of information for return from medical leave.
The Director of UCS or UHS will collect documentation supporting the application for readmission and may seek additional information and/or request a conversation with the student or treatment provider. The Director will make a recommendation to the appropriate Undergraduate/Graduate Academic Associate Dean, who’s decision will be final.
Withdrawal/Leave of Absence/Transfer Form *Login with your Agora credentials is required to complete the form.