
Navy option midshipmen are required to complete the following courses in addition to the requirements for their degree program:

Naval Science Courses

These classes are held at Boston University. The unit staff will assist you in registering, each semester, for your BU classes.

Freshman Year

Introduction to Naval Science (Fall Semester)
Sea Power and Maritime Affairs (Spring Semester)
Naval Science Laboratory (attendance mandatory both semesters)

Sophomore Year

Leadership and Management (Fall Semester)
Navigation (Spring Semester)
Naval Science Laboratory (attendance mandatory both semesters)

Junior Year

Naval Ship Systems I – Engineering (Fall Semester)
Naval Ship Systems II- Weapons (Spring Semester)
Naval Science Laboratory (attendance mandatory both semesters)

Senior Year

Naval Operations and Seamanship (Fall Semester)
Leadership and Ethics (Spring Semester)
Naval Science Laboratory (attendance mandatory both semesters)

Other Required Courses 


All scholarship students and those who are college program and wish to compete for a scholarship MUST complete two semesters of calculus by the start of their junior year. Acceptable courses are limited to: MATH 100, 101, 102, 103, and 202.

Note: College Program students may complete two semesters of college algebra or advanced trigonometry instead of calculus. College program students who elect to pursue this option vice the calculus option will not be able to later compete for a scholarship nor will they be eligible to become nuclear power trained officers.


All scholarship students and those who are college program and wish to compete for a scholarship MUST complete two semesters of calculus-based physics by the start of their senior year. Acceptable courses are limited to: PHYS 209, 210, 211, and 212.

Note: College Program students may elect to complete two semesters of physical science. College program students who elect to pursue this option vice the physics option will not be able to later compete for a scholarship nor will they be eligible to become nuclear power trained officers.

American History / National Security Policy Course

All students must complete one course that focuses on U.S. military history, world military history, U.S. National Security policy, or a combination of these topics.

World Culture and Regional Studies Courses

All students must complete one course that has an emphasis on Third World, Far East, and/or Southwest Asia. This academic requirement is designed to expand in our future officer corps the awareness, sensitivity of world cultures and peoples.


All students must complete two semesters of English which may include EN 010 or higher and AP credit.

Marine option midshipmen are required to complete the following courses in addition to the requirements for their degree program:

Naval Science Courses

These classes are held at Boston University. The unit staff will assist you in registering, each semester, for your BU classes.

Freshman Year

  • OTP NS 103 Introduction to Naval Science (Fall Semester)
  • OTP NS 104 Sea Power and Maritime Affairs (Spring Semester)
  • OTP NS 111/112 Naval Science Laboratory (attendance mandatory both semesters)

Sophomore Year

  • OTP NS 203 Leadership and Management (Fall Semester)
  • OTP NS 330 (Spring Semester either sophomore or junior year)
  • OTP NS 410 (Spring Semester either sophomore or junior year)
  • OTP NS 211/212 Naval Science Laboratory (attendance mandatory both semesters)

Junior Year

  • OTP NS 330 Evolution of Warfare (Spring Semester either sophomore or junior year)
  • OTP NS 410 Fundamentals of Maneuver Warfare (Spring Semester either sophomore or junior year)
  • OTP NS 311/312 Naval Science Laboratory (attendance mandatory both semesters)

Senior Year

  • OTP NS 404 Leadership and Ethics (Spring Semester)
  • OTP NS 411/412 Naval Science Laboratory (attendance mandatory both semesters)

Other Required Courses 

American History/National Security Policy Course

All students must complete one course that focuses on U.S. military history, world military history, U.S. National Security policy, or a combination of these topics.