1. What motivated you to apply for the Romero Scholarship?

"Part of my motivation came from the renowned prestige and honor that is associated with Archbishop Romero and the scholarship. The other part came from the great encouragement that I received from upperclassmen since I was a freshman; I owe a great deal to my older peers."

2. What was the most memorable question from the interview and how did you respond?

"The question was 'What do you think sets you apart from the other finalist?' I was uncertain as to what the other finalists had to offer (and eventually learned that it was a lot) and so I addressed the response in regards to what I thought my biggest strength was; namely my focus on spirituality. I believe that, independent of life's treats like the scholarship, I do everything I can to follow the path that God wants me to follow. If I do this, there's no way I can ultimately fail or be disappointed.

3. How did you feel when you heard your name called as the award winner?

"Obviously if you were there you could see that I was very overwhelmed. It was a blessing to have received this honor and I thank God for preparing me for anything that could have happened."

4. What do you feel is your biggest responsibility as the Romero Scholarship recipient of 2002?

"It's more a combination of things, both personal and public:

  1. To continue strengthening my faith through education and reflection.
  2. To represent Archbishop Romero, his principles, and the values of the committee to their utmost.
  3. To continually prepare myself for any calls to action or vocation."

5. What would you say to students who are thinking of applying next year?

"The application process is a challenge, but one that is very beneficial, especially at such a critical time in your college career; it demands that you seriously consider where you are, where you've been, and where you are going. Certainly apply and in doing so, do not forget to challenge yourself with the spiritual component associated with Romero and the scholarship."
