

C21 Steering Committee

The Church in the 21st Century Steering Committee, with the leadership of the Center Director, sets the overall direction for the C21 Center. This includes reviewing the ideas and recommendations of the Advisory Committee and other interested parties, and, in conjunction with specific subcommittees, giving direction to C21 programs.

Rev. William P. Leahy, S.J.President
Office of the President
Peter MartinSpecial Assistant to the President
Office of the President
Karen KieferDirector
The Church in the 21st Century Center
Casey Beaumier, S.J. Vice President and University Secretary
Director, Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies
Shawna Cooper Whitehead, Ed.D.Vice President, Student Affairs
Jack DunnAssociate Vice President 
Office of University Communications
Hosffman OspinoAssociate Professor of Hispanic Ministry and Religious Education
Chair, Department of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry
School of Theology and Ministry
Brian RobinetteAssistant Professor, Theology Department
Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences
Melodie Wyttenbach, Ph.D.Executive Director
Roche Center for Catholic Education

C21 Advisory Committee

The Church in the 21st Century Advisory Committee provides advice to the C21 Center, both in recommending appropriate issues and in suggesting events and activities that most appropriately and effectively fulfill the Center’s mission.

Rev. William P. Leahy, S.J.President
Office of the President
Peter MartinSpecial Assistant to the President
Office of the President
Karen Kelly KieferDirector
Church in the 21st Century Center 
Lynn BerardelliAssociate Director
Church in the 21st Century Center
Eileen CorkeryAssistant Director, Programming
Church in the 21st Century Center
Andrew CraigAssistant Director, Communications
Church in the 21st Century Center
Megan StevensAssistant Director, Children's Ministry Partnership
Church in the 21st Century Center
Elizabeth Shlala
Associate Dean for the University Core Curriculum & Professor of the Practice
Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences
Co-Chair of ADCOM
Tom WesnerProfessor of the Practice
Carroll School of Management
Co-Chair of ADCOM
Maura CollearyAssociate Dean, Finance & Administration
Colleen DallavalleAssociate Vice President, Student Engagement and Formation
Andrew DavisProfessor of Old Testament; Professor Ordinarius
Clough School of Theology and Ministry
Camille Fitzpatrick MarkeyAssociate Director, Center for Christian-Jewish Learning
Margaret LaurenceDirector, ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ Companions & Initiatives for Formative Education
Office of the Provost and Dean of Faculties
Tom MoganAssociate Dean, Morrissey College of Arts & Sciences
Scott OlivieriDirector, Web Services
Office of University Communications
Kristin PetersonAssistant Professor, Communication Department Morrissey College of Arts & Sciences
Michael SerazioProfessor, Communication Department
Morrissey College of Arts & Sciences
Henry Shea, S.J.Assistant Professor, Theology Department
Grace SnellBoston College Class of 2027
Morrissey College of Arts & Sciences
Ximena SotoAssistant Director, Latinx Leadership Initiative
School of Social Work
Reginald TerrySenior Associate Athletic Director, Administration, Athletics Department
John WalshDirector, Creative Web Services
Office of University Communications

C21 Resources Editorial Board

Charge: The Church in the 21st Century C21 Resources Editorial Board, works in an advisory capacity with the C21 Center and the guest editor of the magazine to review magazine content, resulting in the  best possible compilation of analyses and essays on key challenges facing the Church today.

Patricia DelaneySenior Director, University Communications
Karen KieferDirector, Church in the 21st Century Center
Lynn BerardelliAssociate Director, Church in the 21st Century Center
Peter MartinSpecial Assistant to the President, Office of the President
Michael Serazio
Professor, Communication Department
Morrissey College of Arts & Sciences
Melodie Wyttenbach, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Roche Center for Catholic Education