What is the role of the Church in the age of polarization? What resourcescan our Catholic faith offer to heal fierce partisanship of our times? How might the sacramental imagination and wisdom of Catholic Social Teaching transform the "us" vs. "them" mentality that holds so many in its grip? It is tempting to feel fatalistic about the growing polarization around us, but there are good reasons for hope. This is what this latest issue ofC21 Resourcesmagazine means to inspire.

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The Call to a “Better Kind of Politics”
The Call to a “Better Kind of Politics”
The Call to a “Better Kind of Politics”

The Call to a “Better Kind of Politics”

, Civilize It: A Better Kind of Politics, which includes a pledge, Scripture meditations, promotion packet, prayers, tips from Pope Francis, reflections, (including those published in this issue of C21 Resources), and more.

Witness to Unity
Witness to Unity
Witness to Unity

Witness to Unity

Explore the .

Political Sectarianism in America: What’s driving the hatred?
Political Sectarianism in America: What’s driving the hatred?
Political Sectarianism in America: What’s driving the hatred?

Political Sectarianism in America: What’s driving the hatred?

, published in The Journalist’s Resource(a project of the Harvard Kennedy School’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy) and more resources from this organization.

Why are we at each other’s throats? Healing Our Church
Why are we at each other’s throats? Healing Our Church
Why are we at each other’s throats? Healing Our Church

Why are we at each other’s throats? Healing Our Church

and more resources from the National Catholic Reporter.

Journeying Together
Journeying Together
Journeying Together

Journeying Together

Use these links for the , entitled “Reflections on Impediments to Synodality: Polarization and the Escalation of Conflict,” and

Honoring Ideological Divides
Honoring Ideological Divides
Honoring Ideological Divides

Honoring Ideological Divides

, “In Conversation: Honoring Ideological Divides On and Off Campus,” with Lisa Kloppenberg, Vincent Rougeau, and Eduardo Peñalver, and discover more resources from Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education.

Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill: A Real-life Friendship
Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill: A Real-life Friendship
Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill: A Real-life Friendship

Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill: A Real-life Friendship

Read the or email the author at Rich@God-Buddy.com.

Voices & Views
Voices & Views
Voices & Views

Voices & Views

  • Joan D. Chittister, O.S.B. - offered by the , the entitled "A Moment for Something More Soulful Than Politics,” published in Oneing, and more information from through these links.

  • Hosffman Ospino - Dr. Ospino's full chapter, “The Unheeded Middle: Catholic Conservative-Liberal Polarities in an Increasingly Catholic Church,” and many more resources from authors across the Catholic Church are published in (edited by Mary Ellen Konieczny, Charles C. Comosy, and Tricia C. Bruce, Liturgical Press, 2016).

  • Christine Emba - This excerpt is from a panel discussion, at the Georgetown University - Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life covening in 2018. , “Though Many, One: Overcoming Polarization through Catholic Social Thought.”

  • Fr. Aaron Wessman - To on his book, (New City Press, 2023).

Love Your Enemies, Say No to Contempt
Love Your Enemies, Say No to Contempt
Love Your Enemies, Say No to Contempt

Love Your Enemies, Say No to Contempt

from the American Enterprise Institute, his book , and additional resources from.

Learning to Argue Well
Learning to Argue Well
Learning to Argue Well

Learning to Argue Well

from entitled “Reaching Across the Abortion Divide: Resources for Arguing Well on Campus in the Post-Roe Era” through the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU) Jesuit Channel.

Loving Our Neighbor through Dialogue
Loving Our Neighbor through Dialogue
Loving Our Neighbor through Dialogue

Loving Our Neighbor through Dialogue

,Civilize It: A Better Kind of Politics, which includes a pledge, Scripture meditations, promotion packet, prayers, tips from Pope Francis, reflections, (including those published in this issue ofC21 Resources), and more.

Authentic Communion and the Way Out of Polarization
Authentic Communion and the Way Out of Polarization
Authentic Communion and the Way Out of Polarization

Authentic Communion and the Way Out of Polarization

To online at America magazine and access additional resources from America Media.

St. Ignatius Dialogue Bookmark