Professor, Counseling Psychology
Lynch School of Education
Telephone: 617-552-4079
Email: liangbe@bc.edu
Mentoring and Relational Health in Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Social Media & Electronically Mediated Relationships
Adolescent Psychology
Pressure to Succeed among Adolescent Girls from Privileged Backgrounds
Belle Liang’s research explores positive youth development, including mentoring and relational health in adolescence and young adulthood. In particular, her work involves the development of youth purpose interventions, including those that are technologically mediated. As a national expert in youth mentoring and adolescent psychology, she has​ serve​d as a member of the Research and Policy Council of MENTOR/National Mentoring Partnership and Advisory Board of the National Cadre of Mentoring Researchers. Liang is a licensed psychologist, and an advisory board member for a number of organizations that serve youth. She was recognized as an American Psychological Association Fellow, Division 17, for her outstanding contributions to the field of counseling psychology. Liang is a member of the American Psychological Association, the Society for Research on Child Development, and the Society for Research on Adolescence.