Maloney Hall 315
Telephone: 617-552-3678
Email: arthur.lewbel@bc.edu
ECON7772.01 Econometric Methods
"Children's Resources in Collective Households: Identification, Estimation and an Application to Child Poverty in Malawi," with Geoffrey Dunbar and Krishna Pendakur, 2013. American Economic Review, 103, 438-471
"Estimating Consumption Economies of Scale, Adult Equivalence Scales, and Household Bargaining Power," with Martin Browning and Pierre-Andre Chiappori, 2013. Review of Economic Studies, 80, 1267-1303
"Semiparametric Latent Variable Model Estimation With Endogenous or Mismeasured Regressors," 1998. Econometrica, 66:1, 105-121
"Quadratic Engel Curves and Consumer Demand," with James Banks and Richard Blundell, 1997. Review of Economics and Statistics, 79:4, 527-539
"The Rank of Demand Systems: Theory and Nonparametric Estimation," 1991. Econometrica, 59, 711-730
Working Paper 1079. Arthur Lewbel (Boston College), Xi Qu (Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Xun Tang (Department of Economics, Rice University) "Estimating Social Network Models with Link Misclassification", (08/2024; PDF)
Working Paper 1070. Zhi Cao (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Arthur Lewbel (Boston College), Wenchao Li (Tongji University), Junjian Yi (Peking University), "Collective Behavior with Information Asymmetry", (04/2024; PDF)
Working Paper 1059. Nadja van ’t Hoff (University of Southern Denmark), Arthur Lewbel (Boston College), Giovanni Mellace (University of Southern Denmark), "Limited Monotonicity and the Combined Compliers LATE", (04/2024; rev. 01/2025; PDF)
Working Paper 1056. Arthur Lewbel (Boston College), Xi Qu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Xun Tang (Rice University), "Estimating Social Network Models with Missing Links", (12/2022; PDF)
Working Paper 1048. Arthur Lewbel (Boston College), Krishna Pendakur (Simon Fraser University), "Estimating A Model of Inefficient Cooperation and Consumption in Collective Households." (rev. 12/2021; PDF)
Working Paper 1031. Arthur Lewbel (Boston College), Xi Qu,Shanghai Jiao (Tong University), Xun Tang (Rice University), "Social Networks with Mismeasured Links." (04/2021; PDF)
Working Paper 1028. Arthur Lewbel (Boston College), Jin Yan (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Yu Zhou (School of Economics Fudan University), "Semiparametric Identification and Estimation of Multinomial Discrete Choice Models using Error Symmetry." (02/2021; PDF)
Working Paper 1022. Arthur Lewbel (Boston College), Susanne M. Schennach (Brown University), Linqi Zhang (Boston College), "Identification of a Triangular Two Equation System Without Instruments." (09/2020; PDF)
Working Paper 1005. Arthur Lewbel (Boston College), and Lars Nesheim, (CeMMAP), "Sparse demand systems: corners and complements." (11/2019; PDF)
Working Paper 1004. 1004. Arthur Lewbel (Boston College), Xi Qu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), and Xun Tang (Rice University), "Social Networks with Unobserved Links." (rev. 02/2022; PDF)
Working Paper 1003. Arthur Lewbel (Boston College), Jin-Young Choi (Xiamen University), and Zhuzhu Zhou (Boston College), "Over-Identified Doubly Robust Identification and Estimation." (rev. 02/2021; PDF)
Working Paper 1002. Arthur Lewbel (Boston College) and Xirong Lin (Boston College), "Identification of Semiparametric Model Coefficients, With an Application to Collective Households." (rev 01/2021; PDF)
Working Paper 1001. Arthur Lewbel (Boston College), "Kotlarski with a Factor Loading." (04/2020; PDF)
Working Paper 1000. Arthur Lewbel (Boston College) and Krishna Pendakur (Simon Fraser University), "Inefficient Collective Households: Cooperation and Consumption." (rev. 02/2021; PDF)
Working Paper 975. Christopher F. Baum, Boston College and Arthur Lewbel, Boston College, "Advice on using heteroscedasticity based identification", (06/2019; PDF)
Working Paper 959. Rossella Calvi (Rice University), Arthur Lewbel (Boston College), and Denni Tommasi (ECARES, Université Libre de Bruxelles), "LATE with Missing or Mismeasured Treatment", (rev. 03/2021; PDF)
Working Paper 958. Arthur Lewbel (Boston College), Samuel Norris (University of Chicago), Krishna Pendakur (Simon Fraser University), and Xi Qu (Shagnai Jiao Tong University), "Consumption Peer Effects and Utility Needs in India" (04/2020; PDF)
Working Paper 957. Arthur Lewbel, "The Identification Zoo - Meanings of Identification in Econometrics", (09/2018; PDF)
Working Paper 927. Arthur Lewbel, "", (12/2016; PDF)
Working Paper 825. Arthur Lewbel and Thomas Tao Yang, "" (07/2013, PDF; )
Working Paper 817. Arthur Lewbel, Xun Lu (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) and Liangjun Su (Singapore Management University), "" (rev. 05/2013: PDF)
Working Paper 810. Arthur Lewbel, "" (09/2012: PDF)
Working Paper 809. Laurens Cherchye (University of Leuven), Bram De Rock Université Libre de Bruxelles), Arthur Lewbel and Frederic Vermeulen (Tilburg University), "" (rev. 07/2013: PDF)
Working Paper 808. Arthur Lewbel and Xun Tang (University of Pennsylvania), "" (rev. 03/2013: PDF)
Working Paper 807. Yingying Dong (California State University-Irvine) and Arthur Lewbel, "" (06/2012: PDF)
Working Paper 791. Arthur Lewbel and Krishna Pendakur (Simon Fraser University), "" (rev. 07/2013: PDF; previously circulated as "Generalized Random Coefficients With Equivalence Scale Applications")
Working Paper 790. Michele De Nadai (University of Padova) and Arthur Lewbel, "" (rev. 07/2013: PDF)
Working Paper 789. Arthur Lewbel, Yingying Dong (California State University-Irvine), and Thomas Tao Yang, "" (rev. 05/2012: PDF; published, Canadian Journal of Economics, 2012, 45:3, 809-829)
Working Paper 767. Aline Bütikofer (University of Bern), Arthur Lewbel and Shannon Seitz, "" (rev. 01/2011, PDF)